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Teen Volunteer Ministry
Teens! Volunteer to make a differenceBrighten the day of an elder Sister of Providence Calling all middle school and high school students! Volunteer your time and put a smile on…
Our commitment to Laudato Si’ Action Platform
Published on May 21, 2022
We are excited to represent the Providence Community to be part of Pope Francis’ call to address the most urgent needs plaguing Earth and the poor and to take this focus into our daily lives.
The process of becoming a Providence Associate
1. Request information to become a Providence Associate by filling out the form at Apply.ProvidenceAsscociates.org or by contacting Co-Directors of Providence Associates, Sister Sue Paweski at 312-909-7492 (spaweski@spsmw.org) or Debbie Dillow at…
Gospel reflection
May 22, 2022: Sixth Sunday of Easter
Published on May 19, 2022
How can our hearts be troubled or afraid if we live on the constant reliance of the presence of Jesus’ Holy Spirit bringing us peace …
Leadership Team shares LCWR Statement and Congregation commitment
Published on May 18, 2022
Our Leadership Team wanted to share with all of you the following statement from the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR), and our recent Chapter Commitment of Racial Equality and Equity.
2020-21 Anual Report
Published on May 18, 2022
I hope you will see in so visible a manner throughout this entire publication how we seek to put your gifts in service to others. We, too, would like to lift the spirits of people everywhere.
Sister Betty Hopf honored with Sunshine Award
Published on May 18, 2022
‘I feel like I’m making a difference in peoples’ lives.’
Racism’s infection within American healthcare
Published on May 17, 2022
The United States government needs to recognize how their mistakes and how systematic racism as a whole has ruptured the relationship between Americans of color and their nation’s healthcare system. Mending this relationship will require the development of a healthcare system that resonates with people of color and intends to atone for the wrongs of the past in order to show that the medical community is worthy of being trusted.
Sister Rita Ann Wade (formerly Sister Rose Annette)
Published on May 14, 2022
Providence truly did inspire Rita, sustain her and will care for her always.
A journey of Providence on Chicago’s westside
Published on May 13, 2022
My journey in pastoral ministry has been very transforming for me. I have had the privilege and opportunity of stepping inside another race, culture and hearts. I am truly blessed.
HOPE summer 2022 — Moving forward together
Published on May 12, 2022
In this issue of HOPE magazine we explore some of the ways the Providence Community is moving forward together, from sisters in ministry, the the calling of a Providence Associate, to how we are inviting new members.
Sister Jody O’Neil accompanies brother on Honor Flight
Published on May 12, 2022
In April 2022, Sister Jody O’Neil accompanied her brother, Mike, on an Honor Flight from Indianapolis to Washington, D.C., in which veterans receive the opportunity to visit war memorials and…
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