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Found 5049 Results


Building and healing: Saint Mother Theodore Guerin moment

Published on January 11, 2017

When Sister Mary asked if they had seen the Log Cabin Chapel yet, three of the men responded in unison, proudly and humbly, “We helped build it.” This was a reunion of sorts for the three men who were inmates in 2012 at the Federal Penitentiary in Terre Haute. Before their release, they vowed to return to Saint Mary-of-the-Woods for a visit, and this weekend was that moment.

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What does Providence look like? You

Published on January 11, 2017

We invite you to be part of God’s mission for the Sisters of Providence. To collaborate with us by supporting that mission with your donation of time, talent or treasure. We are blessed that our invitation to support our mission of outreach is providentially answered through you.

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Sister Caroline Hatch

Published on January 9, 2017

To say she was an excellent and creative first grade teacher probably does not do her justice

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Nature is a powerful healing source

Published on January 7, 2017

The notion of the healing power of nature is something I feel I have always been inherently aware of; however, hearing the quote from John Muir brought this idea to the surface of my thoughts and since then, I have found myself observing nature through this lens. Josh Price shares why he thinks White Violet Center is a magical place.

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Remembering Sister Marie Brendan Harvey

Published on January 6, 2017

Many will also remember Sister Marie Brendan’s voice

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Sisters to host public ‘Gathering in Solidarity’ event

Published on January 3, 2017

Gathering to begin at 10 a.m.

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A Reflection on World Day of Peace

Published on December 31, 2016

The work begins within each one of us

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In memory of …

Published on December 29, 2016

‘She loved life, she loved teaching, she loved the Sisters of Providence, and she loved nature. But perhaps most of all, she loved to fish with her good friend, Sister Mary Pat Peacock.’

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Sister Marie Brendan Harvey

Published on December 27, 2016

“Gifted with an unusually beautiful singing voice, Mary Therese’s professional career was quickly determined and she was given over to the ministrations of the finest music teachers in the order …”

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Frustration and love: unpublished Mother Theodore

Published on December 26, 2016

“Profit by the experience you have just had at your own expense and not speak to the children but with prudence and discretion. There is no way of repairing what you have done but by showing the pupils what you can do,” writes Saint Mother Theodore Guerin in this previously unpublished letter.

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Pouring out your heart in prayer

Published on December 23, 2016

Remember our friend Jonah from the Jewish scriptures? He poured out his heart in prayer, saying, “In my distress I called to my God, and God answered me. From deep…

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Remembering Sisters Marilyn Therese Lipps and Concetta Banez

Published on December 22, 2016

‘She seized challenges and new opportunities with a tenacity that sometimes inspired others and at other times, exasperated them’

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