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“...I felt happy to belong to [God], and said to myself, "What will our God be for us in our heavenly home, since even in our exile [God] is so great, so powerful, so magnificent!"”
“...I often enjoyed this pleasure, always new to me. I must say that it arouses a delightful feeling toward the Author of these marvels.”
“...great fish swimming at water level, bounding about joyfully, chasing each other and playing about quite close to the ship added to the beauty of the scene already so inspiring in itself.”
“...The pure sky, the majestic sun which seemed to descend proudly into the waters as if to refresh itself, the luminous ray reaching out from it even to us, gilding the waves lightly stirred by the evening breeze...”
“In the evening we remained on deck to see and examine at leisure the ravishing spectacle before us. It would take an abler pen than mine to describe it properly, if, indeed, it can be described.”
“I said to myself, thus does life pass, now calm, now agitated, but at last the end is attained.”
“You can never imagine the void the death of Sister St. Francis has left in our house. I not only miss her, but it seems to me I have lost a part of my life. Day and night she is present in my mind.”
“...how heartily I thanked God for the little share [God] has given me in this dear mission, where so many saints have labored and shall still labor.”
“Souls everywhere are equally dear to our Lord, and we are determined to consecrate our life to them.”
“Let us keep ever united in Our Lord. When we love one another in [God], we love [God] better.”
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