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Found 5049 Results


Sisters of Providence ask for residents’ help in keeping clean water

Published on April 25, 2017

In March 1997, the State of Indiana passed a law to protect groundwater that is used by public water suppliers. The law is referred to as the Wellhead Protection Plan…

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Volunteer spotlight – Peggy Balensuela

Published on April 25, 2017

If you’ve been considering volunteering with the Sisters of Providence, hesitate no longer! When the Sisters say “All Are Welcome,” they mean it. I am one of the many non-Catholics who passionately support their mission and the charism of St. Mother Theodore.

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Where God walks: a poetic response to deeply spiritual places

Published on April 22, 2017

There are places God has glanced
with lightest touch of hand, some swept,
palm to earth, and some in which God’s hand
sinks into soil like a sculptor’s hand in clay, that shout …

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Remembering Sister Mary Patricia Carroll

Published on April 21, 2017

‘It’s quite possible that those hundreds of children she taught probably remember her as the kindest teacher they ever had.’

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Earth Day: A Holy Day of Obligation

Published on April 20, 2017

Our fragile Earth IS HOLY

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You asked and we’re answering!

Published on April 19, 2017

‘Are you still a teaching order and where in the world do you go and what do you do there?’

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What is to become of us?

Published on April 18, 2017

I was walking near the cemetery and lamenting the loss of the older mature trees that used to line the road. As I reflected on the loss of the trees, it struck me that the loss of the trees resembles in many ways the loss of our aging sisters.

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Sister Anne Krause (formerly Sister Marie Robert)

Published on April 17, 2017

Anne loved each ministry she pursued and loved the people associated with them

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Reflecting on Easter: ‘The stone has been rolled away’

Published on April 15, 2017

Is there any greater joy than life overcoming death? Is there any greater longing than to find the stones of our lives rolled away?

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Language barriers, smiles and unexpected gifts: Sister Denise Wilkinson reflects from France

Published on April 13, 2017

I am getting to know each sister by paying attention to her expressions, her voice, her walk, her greeting of others. I notice her desire to communicate with me and her frustration at not knowing English.
Most of all I notice smiles. I didn’t expect smiles as comfort, joy, wordless compassion. Right now that’s what they are for me and I hope for the sisters I encounter.

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Sisters to co-sponsor ‘Conversation and Cookies: Supporting our Muslim Neighbors’

Published on April 12, 2017

Event to take place on April 29 at First Unitarian Universalist Congregation Church

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Easter Prayer

Note: This prayer uses the text of the Exsultet, the solemn Easter Proclamation sung at the Easter Vigil service. The current text dates back to the fifth century. O Provident…

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