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Found 5049 Results


Connecting Link celebrating 20 years

Published on May 9, 2017

Celebration will take place from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., Saturday, July 8

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Dear Discerner: live the questions now

Published on May 8, 2017

In my discernment process, Sister Tracey Horan would refer me to the quote of poet Rainer Maria Rilke: “Have patience with everything unresolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves as if they were locked rooms or books written in a very foreign language. Don’t search for the answers, which could not be given to you now, because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps, then, someday far in the future, you will gradually, without even noticing it, live your way into the answer.”

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Isabelle McCurdy: Involved in all aspects at WVC

Published on May 6, 2017

‘I’ve learned so much. It is definitely interesting living community-style, how you experience things together. I’ve grown a lot.’

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Providence in the Desert: Efforts to provide access to clean water

Published on May 5, 2017

Sister of Providence Carol Nolan, the director of Hispanic Ministry at Providence in the Desert, located in Coachella, California, is requesting prayerful support for efforts to bring clean water to…

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Spring cleaning, spiritual cleaning

Published on May 5, 2017

The dawning of spring invites us to a spiritual cleaning, as well. Time to clear out and make space for a new way of being in the world. The choices are many:
• To be attentive or to be distracted
• To be blessing or to be blaming

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Throwback Thursday: The life of Sister Marie Stanislaus Curran

Published on May 4, 2017

She entered the Congregation on Oct. 22, 1907

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Sign this petition!

Published on May 3, 2017

Here is a link to a petition regarding a local immigration case in Indianapolis posted by the Indianapolis Congregation Action Network (IndyCAN). Take a look at it, sign it and…

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There are so many things to love!

Published on April 29, 2017

“It’s a deep, deep going inside yourself to find out who God is calling you to be.” Providence Associate Debbie Dillow tells what she loves about being a Providence Associate of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods in this video.

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Sister Kathleen Mary Gay

Published on April 28, 2017

‘She is remembered as an excellent teacher, whom the children really loved.’

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Sister Helen Vinton and the Southern Mutual Help Association

Published on April 26, 2017

Take a few minutes to watch this video about some of the amazing work of the Southern Mutual Help Association (SMHA). Sister Helen Vinton began ministering with SMHA in 1980…

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What is Eco-Justice?

Published on April 26, 2017

Note: The following was provided with permission by Joan Brown, OSF. Sister Joan is a Kansas native and a member of the Franciscan Sisters of Rochester, Minn. She lives in…

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Providence Associate Arthur Snyder: a rewarding faith journey with the Sisters of Providence

Published on April 26, 2017

I have been mentored and learned a great deal about spirituality and life in general. I now know the real importance of living a life based on love, mercy and justice — not just the meaning of the words.

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