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By the numbers: 30 years of Providence Food Pantry

“Without you, there is no us.” – Sister Maureen Fallon

Sister Maureen could not have said this any better.

On Wednesday, Oct. 9, Sister Maureen and other Sisters of Providence hosted a luncheon for volunteers of the Providence Food Pantry. Western Indiana Community Action Agency, Inc., sponsored the luncheon. It honored Providence Food Pantry’s 30 years of service in the West Terre Haute community.

Many of the weekly volunteers came to the luncheon, which took place in the Providence Hall Community Room.

General Superior Sister Dawn Tomaszewski welcomed all who attended with ”Prayer of Gratitude – Providence Food Pantry:”

As we gather around these tables, let us offer gratitude to our Provident God for the food we are about to eat and for the people who make food for others possible.

General Superior Sister Dawn Tomaszewski speaks to those attending the Providence Food Pantry Celebration Luncheon.

All: May the Lord bless us and keep us.

Let us be mindful of all Providence Pantry Volunteers, both in this room and beyond, who actively share from their abundance and foster a spirit of generosity and community with those who do not have what they need.

All: May the Lord make his face to shine upon us, and be gracious to us.

Let us recall all those persistent women and men who helped found Providence Pantry, and those whose faithful service has kept it going and growing these 30 years. We give thanks for the many churches and organizations who have been the Helping Hands the pantry needed.

All: May the Lord look upon us kindly and give us peace.

Let us live each day to the fullest and face the future unafraid. Let us acknowledge the giftedness of those sitting beside us. May our world be transformed by the goodness we celebrate in the presence of each other this day.

All: God, of all that is good, we thank you for this meal and one another. Amen.

Setting Records

During the luncheon, Sister Maureen provided a PowerPoint presentation. She explained that during the past fiscal year, the pantry had served a record 5,659 families and a record 19,065 individuals.

Sister Maureen Fallon discusses the importance of Providence Food Pantry at the luncheon.

Putting this in perspective, in 1994, when the late Sister Brendan Harvey founded the pantry, it served 1,205 families and 3,155 individuals.

In 2015, under the direction of Sister Joseph Fillenwarth, the pantry served 3,944 families and 14,756 individuals.

Those numbers increased to 4,191 families in 2023 under Sister Maureen’s direction.

Since 1994, the pantry has served a total of 95,596 families and 330,768 individuals. That tallies an approximate 13 million meals for those in need.

“What a mission,” Sister Maureen said. “This mission would not be possible without each of you.”

Many people make up the volunteers who serve at the pantry, including more than 20 Sisters of Providence as well as Providence Associates; teenagers, including students from West Vigo High School; college students; and more.

Since becoming the director of the pantry, Sister Maureen has expanded it to include a mobile pantry for athletes at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College and a mobile pantry for those living at Providence Housing Corporation in West Terre Haute. In addition, she mentioned that the pantry will begin serving through Union Hospital’s Residents’ Street Medical Clinic in January.

Vicar/General Treasurer Sister Jeanne Hagelskamp (left) chats with Providence Food Pantry volunteer Bob Warn.

Recently, Sister Maureen secured three more grants. Of them, $950 came from 100 Women Who Care, $6,000 from the Lilly Endowment and $6,000 from the Clara Fairbanks Foundation.

She said nearly $7,000 from these grants will purchase a generator. This will protect the pantry’s frozen and refrigerated goods in case of a power outage. The remainder of the money will fund the street medical clinic.

‘Helping Neighbors’

In 2016, Sister Joseph explained how the work at the pantry was like the works of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin.

“I think this is a continuation of Saint Mother Theodore’s work,” she explained. “We’re helping our neighbors. It’s very rewarding.”

Under the direction of Sister Maureen, the same sentiment remains.

“We are honored to work to address the food insecurity of our friends and neighbors in the Wabash Valley,” Sister Maureen recently said.

Celebrating 30 Years

At the conclusion of the celebration luncheon, General Councilor Sister Anne Therese Falkenstein closed with a prayer for all the volunteers of the pantry:

As we celebrate Providence Pantry’s thirtieth year, may our good and gracious God bless you for your loving and caring ways. Because of people like you, there is hope of peace someday.

Sister Anne Therese Falkenstein

While the days of autumn unfold and nature transitions into long winter days, may you remain healthy and uphold your cheerful and compassionate spirit.

May those you have generously served at the Pantry be inspired by your selfless acts and choose to be people of love, mercy and justice who reach out to others in need.

On behalf of the Sisters of Providence, thank you for who you are and all you have done and continue to do. May the Spirit of God fill you and your loved ones with joy.

General Councilors (from left) Sister Laura Parker and Sister Carole Kimes enjoy the luncheon with Sister Mary Morley (right).

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Jason Moon

Jason Moon

Jason Moon serves as media relations manager for the Sisters of Providence. Previously, he spent more than 16 years in the newspaper industry.

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  1. Avatar Deb Griffey on October 24, 2024 at 6:23 am

    What an absolute gift to the Terre Haute community! The hard work of volunteers really looks like it is paying off for those who rely on Providence Food Pantry. Thank you all!

  2. Avatar Leila Short on October 24, 2024 at 6:41 am

    Such a wonderful program, God bless all of you 🙏🏽

  3. Avatar Meghan DeVito on October 25, 2024 at 7:05 pm

    Thank you sisters for your commitment to those in need. We have a food pantry in our Parish and I know how our community has do benefited from it. Often when I am grocery shopping people ask what I am going to do with all my purchases. I am always glad to say it is for the food pantry. You all have certainly made a difference.

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