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White Guilt and Growth

Note: The following piece was co-authored by Providence Associates Jane Fischer and Pearlette Springer.

White Guilt and Growth – Now there’s a phrase many are familiar with but may not understand its impact. We often start with vocabulary, so let’s do that. POV means “point of view.” And POC means “people of color.” But if POC is new to you, get ready to feel great about learning today! You might be surprised at your POV about POC.

Remorse and Shame

 White fragility refers to the discomfort White people may experience in reaction to discussions about topics such as racism, cultural awareness and cultural sensitivity. White guilt on the other hand is the feeling of remorse or shame. Having White guilt, “can lead people to unlearn racist attitudes and fight against White supremacy.”

White guilt is not just about the relationship and feelings between Black and White people, this term often arises in connection with the holocaust. BIPOC “stands for Black, Indigenous and other people of color.

A person of color is not White or is not only White. People of color are Black, Brown, Asian, Pacific Islanders, African, Hispanic and Latino. A person of color can also be multiracial, with lineages from multiple races and ethnicities.” 

Other POVs

To discuss white guilt and growth with others, prepare yourself to be ready for other POVs. One of those points of view is denial. Many white people deny white guilt. First, white guilt is a term that does not lend itself to positive conversation.

The term often causes negative reactions in white people who reply that they were not even alive during slavery and have nothing to feel guilty about.

Many whites are quick to point out that they have many black friends and support the civil rights movement. What is missing from this conversation is the recognition that POC have been denied many advantages and it takes generations to recover.

In turn, it continuously leaves white people centuries ahead. White counterparts have moved forward and have taken advantage of privileges such as financial gains, property ownership and education, enabling them and their family members to continue to move up the economic ladder.

Emotional Growth

Growth in this discussion is about emotional growth. “Guilt is an emotion that can be used to promote growth, it can be a motivator to help combat white supremacy in the United States.” 

It is often hard to come to terms with the benefits of being white without first recognizing the disadvantages, harms and hindrances inherent in being POC – non-white. I strongly encourage you to read the book White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism.

It should be available at your local library. If it isn’t on the shelf, the staff will get a copy and reserve it for you. You can purchase it at your nearest bookstore or online. While this guilt may be daunting and uncomfortable at first, the reward — equal treatment for all — is worth the temporary discomfort.

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