Cherish the Sacred Gift of Creation
In the Letter of Saint Paul to the Romans proclaimed in today’s liturgy, the Apostle reminds us that “Love does no evil to the neighbor; hence, love is the fulfillment of the law.”

Keeping in mind our relationship with all of God’s creation, we reflect on our need to be ecologically converted as cited by Pope Francis:
“Let us join the mighty river by transforming our hearts. This is essential for any other transformation to occur; it is that ‘ecological conversion’ which Saint John Paul II encouraged us to embrace: the renewal of our relationship with creation so that we no longer see it as an object to be exploited but cherish it instead as a sacred gift from our Creator. Furthermore, we should realize that an integral approach to respect for the environment involves four relationships: with God, with our brothers and sisters of today and tomorrow, with all of nature, and with ourselves.” (Message of Pope Francis for Creation Day 2023).