Saint Mother Theodore Guerin, pray for us!
As we approach the feast of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin on Oct. 3, we invite each of you to join us in praying a novena to Saint Mother Theodore Guerin. A novena is nine days of prayer, usually for a special intention.

Why “pray to a saint,” you ask? In the Catholic church we believe in the communion of saints. We believe that just as we ask our loved ones to pray to God for us in their lifetimes, we can do the same with those who have died. Saints and all those who are now close to God after death are perfect people to continue to ask to pray to God for us. This type of prayer is called intercessory pray because we are asking the Saint to intercede to God for us.
And so Saint Mother Theodore, who knew pain and sorrow and worry in her lifetime, is a wonderful person to ask to pray for us in our own pain or sorrow or worry.
We invite you to join us for the next nine days as we pray a novena to Saint Mother Theodore Guerin. We will begin with the first novena prayer below. Please continue to pray with us daily using the novena prayers here. There is one short section of prayer for each day until Oct. 2.
Novena to Saint Mother Theodore Guerin, Day 1
Anne Therese Guerin, Saint Theodora, I call upon you to help me through my present situation. You know how dependent I am on God’s Providence to fill my need.
Out of love and respect for your holiness, as well as my admiration for your strength of character, I ask for your assistance now. You were able to withstand so many difficult situations, yet you relied on God’s endless Providence to meet the needs of you and your community.
Please implore Providence, on my behalf, to remember my needs.
(Mention your need or concern.)
Thank you, Saint Mother Theodore, for coming to my side at this time of need. Allow me to lean on you with my concerns.