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Hunger Bust Fun Run/Walk nets more than $9,000

Approximately 200 people came to Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, on Saturday, Sept. 10, to take part in the 10th Hunger Bust Fun Run/Walk, with all proceeds from the event benefiting Providence Food Pantry, a sponsored ministry of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.

The event is sponsored by Saint Mary’s Village Parish. On Thursday, Sept. 15, organizers from the Hunger Bust Fun Run/Walk hand-delivered the proceeds from the weekend event to Sister Joseph Fillenwarth, SP, and Sister Maureen Fallon, SP, directors of the food pantry.

Sister Joseph Fillenwarth (front row, center) and Sister Maureen Fallon display the 2022 Hunger Bust Fun Run/Walk donation from organizers on Thursday, Sept. 15, 2022.

This year’s event collected $9,243 for the pantry, the most they have received from the run/walk since its inception.

As the food pantry volunteers readied for another busy day, they received some helping hands as the organizers of the run/walk stayed to volunteer by handing out food to those in need.

Annually, Providence Food Pantry serves approximately 3,000 families in the West Terre Haute community, providing food and household items to those in need.

The pantry is financed entirely by donations and Sister Joseph said the money from this year’s hunger bust fun run/walk will be immediately put to use.

“We will be going out soon and purchasing more food,” Sister Joseph said.

Sister Joseph added all donated items may be dropped off at the pantry on Tuesday or Thursday mornings.

Sister Brendan Harvey, SP, (RIP) founded Providence Food Pantry in 1994. Sister Joseph has directed the pantry for the past 16 years and Sister Maureen will become the full-time director in December 2022.

Partner churches for the pantry include Saint Mary’s Village Parish, Christ United Methodist Church, Faith United Methodist Church, Emmanuel United Methodist Church, Dunlap United Methodist Church, Bethany United Church of Christ, Assembly of God Church, Sixth Street Wesleyan Church, Saint Mark’s United Church of Christ, all located in Vigo County, and Christ Cathedral in Indianapolis. In addition, the Young Men’s Club of West Terre Haute has been a regular benefactor and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has also provided funds.

Sister Joseph said the pantry will conduct its annual Rummage Sale from 9 a.m.-3 p.m., on Oct. 22 at the pantry.

Providence Food Pantry, located at 701 W. National Ave., West Terre Haute, Ind., is open every Thursday from 8-10:30 a.m. For more information, call 812-535-2544 or email Sister Joseph at jfillenw@spsmw.org.

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Jason Moon

Jason Moon

Jason Moon serves as media relations manager for the Sisters of Providence. Previously, he spent more than 16 years in the newspaper industry.

Media contact

For inquiries or information, contact Jason Moon at jmoon@spsmw.org or 812-535-2810.

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