Father Terry and the subject of being ‘Called’
For Father Terry Johnson, his calling to God came “slowly, but steadily in my life.”
“It gradually became clearer and I had more confidence in spending time with the idea of a call,” Father Terry said. “More and more people affirmed me in my call and that even continues to this day.”
Father Terry will host the upcoming virtual program, “Called by Name,” which will take place from 6:30-7:45 p.m., EST, on Thursday, March 10.

What ‘Call’ Means
Have you felt the call? Are you being called? Then this retreat may be for you. All single Catholic women ages 18-42 are invited to join Father Terry and the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, during this mini-retreat.
Father Terry will lead a discussion on what “call” means and how those participating might be experiencing it in their lives.
“I think our baptismal call and vocational call – single life, married life or religious life – are constantly being renewed and refreshed by an ever-deepening relationship with God,” Father Terry said. “That’s how I stay committed and faithful to my call to the priesthood.”
The mini-retreat will also include sharing of stories and Scripture as well as silent reflection and prayer.

“I think conversations about call need to be grounded in the person’s life and experiences in life,” Father Terry said. “Call is a call from God of course, but the call comes from the community, the ones with whom person experiencing the call surrounds themselves with – such as family, friends, co-workers and faith community members. It is in this context that call is first heard and begins to take shape.
“I think we have to listen to the stories of the life of persons inquiring about call and encourage them to look into all the arenas of their lives for the flavor, color and shape of the call.”
There is no cost to attend the March 10 virtual retreat and there is still time to sign up to attend! And don’t forget the Congregation’s upcoming Come and See Retreat, scheduled for 7 p.m., April 8, to 2 p.m., on April 10, at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods!
Register online at MiniRetreat.SistersofProvidence.org or by contacting Vocations Director Sister Joni Luna, SP, at 361-500-9505 or jluna@spsmw.org.
While not at all disagreeing with the “call” to marriage, religious life or priesthood, we must acknowledge there are many divorced and ex-sisters and priests, who, probably after much prayer, counseling and community support, made decisions that God was now calling them to live more fully in another lifestyle. Such individuals desire to still be part of the Church and continue to live lives of service. In discussing “Call,” isn’t the Spirit calling us to go beyond the traditional meaning and be inclusive of all who painfully and wholeheartedly respond to God’s call beyond what was thought a final commitment. For example, Pope Francis has called for divorced Catholics to receive communion. Our response to God’s call basically must be rooted in prayer, contemplation and community support. If not, one might end up an unhappy individual not rooted in. love, mercy and justice.