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HOPE fall 2021 — Living the legacy of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin

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“Trusting all your affairs to [God] … you will see that all will be well.”

Saint Mother Theodore Guerin

Saint Mother Theodore Guerin, the foundress of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, lived and led with holiness, honesty, strength and love. She leaves all of us a wonderful example for living God-centered lives of service. In this issue of HOPE, we feature some members of the Providence Community and how they are living out the legacy of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin today. We invite you to join us in living the legacy.

A legacy of love, prayer and service

“Saint Mother Theodore’s spirituality of remaining true to God, her true self, and the common good is rooted deep in Providence Spirituality. I like to think her ability to bounce back, to keep going, to be resilient as she faced one trial after another is a valued legacy she has given to us.”

Sisters of Providence ministry founders

Many Sisters of Providence have followed in the footsteps of foundress Saint Mother Theodore Guerin and her early companions by establishing and founding ministries to meet the needs of those around them throughout the years. Here is a look at just a few of those ministries:

Sister Marilyn Baker: living the legacy of Saint Mother Theodore as an international teacher

So, with little knowledge of the language or the culture, Sister Marilyn traveled to Taiwan. “I really had to learn how to lean on Providence as I began teaching in both the English and English as a Second Language programs there. During my 20-some years there, however, I had some of my happiest years in ministry.”

Love, mercy, justice: working together to welcome the stranger

What follows is Providence Associate Jeanne TeKolste’s reflection on her family’s journey to welcome an asylum family with the same love with which Mother Theodore and her companions were welcomed by the Thralls family more than 180 years ago.

What is asylum?

The current definition of asylum in the U.S. is based on the 1951 United Nations Convention on the Status of Refugees. It was created when countries came together in the wake of the Holocaust and committed that never again would they return people fleeing persecution to danger.

Mother Theodore, Providence Associate Kate Childs Graham: writers encouraging goodness

It’s doubtful Mother Theodore wrote so her words would be preserved. She may have written to encourage others to persevere. Kate Childs Graham seems to have that same hope — that her writing will encourage others to persevere in living lives of faith, commitment, candor and compassion.

Leaning and leading like Saint Mother Theodore

“To serve as an elected leader at this time in the community’s history with a particular responsibility on behalf of our mission has so challenged me to ‘lean on Providence,’ that I know I will never be the same. It has been a grace-filled time for me, during which I have been challenged beyond measure to ‘give the Holy Spirit free access to my mind and heart.’

The sisters treasure your financial support!

When a person gives monthly to the Sisters of Providence, it allows us to plan for the future knowing we have those recurring funds. When you give monthly it is a great way to support our mission and ministries. You help ensure a bright future for many people in need of loving care and support.

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