7 Reasons to give to the Sisters of Providence this Giving Tuesday

1. We need more Love, Mercy and Justice in the world
When you support the Sisters of Providence, you are supporting each Sister of Providence as she works to educate, advocate for and care for people on the margins of society. Is it hard for you to care for all the people in need you would like to help? When you donate to the Sisters of Providence you are supporting people in need through the work of the sisters.

2. You are supporting the future of the Providence Community
Your donations help us get the word out to women who may be called to a life of service and love as a Sister of Providence. Your support also helps us form our new sisters into the next generation of Providence Women.

3. You are helping to provide dignified, life-filled final years to our elder sisters
We have more than 100 sisters ages 80 and older. These women spent their lives educating and serving, often with very little financial pay. When you support the Sisters of Providence, you help ensure that these women get the loving care they need as they live out their final years.

4. Your support maintains the Saint Mary-of-the-Woods grounds for generations to come
Many of you know just how special Saint Mary-of-the-Woods is. It is a place where God feels so present. Where peace and beauty abound. Your donation helps us maintain this spiritual respite for all who need it.

5. Your donation supports our spirituality and eco-justice ministries
You make the Sisters of Providence ministries at the Woods possible: Spirituality programs and retreats through Providence Spirituality and Conference Center. Our eco-justice ministry modeling care of creation in our White Violet Center for Eco-Justice.

6. You help us share Saint Mother Theodore Guerin with the world
From the shrine of Saint Mother Theodore Guerin at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods to sharing her story on her website and telling others about her through social media, your donation brings Saint Mother Theodore Guerin and her example as a strong faith-filled woman leader to life for people of all ages.

7. Your support helps us grow the Providence Community to bring prayer, education, service and advocacy to even more people
Our Providence Associate community (women and men dedicated to the mission of Providence) continues to grow. We currently have nearly 300 Providence Associates. Your donation helps us companion our associates and guide them in the ways of our community’s unique spirituality of love, mercy and justice. They then join us in sharing God’s loving care with even more of the world’s people.
It is your loving support that makes our mission from God possible. Will you please consider making a difference with us by donating this Giving Tuesday?