Twenty-six days until Election Day: Get out and Vote!
If ever there was a time to stand up – and not stand back – for pro-life issues, this is that time: Principles of human dignity, a preferential option for the poor, defense of migrants, concern for the marginalized, care for our planet, the reality of the current pandemic, a rejection of populist politics stoking nativist or nationalist sympathies, to name a few, are crying out and need our voice.
As of today, Friday, October 9, there are only 26 days remaining until the 2020 General Election. On Tuesday, November 3, citizens across the nation will head to the booth to vote, if they haven’t already done so, in a country where voting is becoming more difficult than in most other democracies.

A few tips: Find healthy, secure, and safe ways to cast your ballot during this time of pandemic. Check your registration status online or by contacting your local Board of Elections. If voting by mail, pay special attention to your state’s rules for returning a ballot. If these rules are not followed, your vote may be rejected as invalid. Once you know for whom you will vote, it is safest to return your ballot as soon as possible. Make use of drop-off boxes where available.
Early voting has already started in many states across the country. In Indiana, site of the Sisters of Providence Motherhouse, absentee ballots are offered by mail to voters who are unable to vote in person. Indiana also offers early voting, which began on Tuesday, October 6, and concludes on Monday, November 2. In Illinois, early in-person voting began on September 24 and ends on November 2. Check with your county for specific dates, times and polling places since times for early voting vary from county to county across states.
In 2020, one of the strangest and most stressful years in recent memory, in-person voting may seem a bit daunting. Or for that matter, downright scary, given that we are in the midst of a pandemic. However, voting is as safe as going to the grocery store. Wear a mask and remember to distance yourself from others as directed.
Stay safe! Exercise your right and responsibility to vote! Let your voice be heard! Our democratic life depends on our votes!