Sisters of Providence teachers pass on a legacy of caring

Brian and Wendy.
At the time, Brian Eckstein was unaware of the impact having Sisters of Providence as teachers would have on him as he got older.
But when he and his wife, Wendy, had their sons Collin and Trent, those memories all came back.
Brian attended Catholic schools growing up in Indianapolis. Grades one through eight at Nativity and high school at Roncalli.
During his time at Nativity, he was taught by Sisters of Providence. He had Sister Marie Grace Molloy in both fifth and sixth grade and Sister Theresa Clare Carr in sixth grade as well. Brian also had Sister Agnella Hyde (RIP) while attending Nativity.
Lasting impact

To this day, Brian said the teachings he received from these Sisters of Providence have impacted his life and the way he and his wife have raised their twin sons.
“They believed everyone was God’s children,” Brian said. “They believed in every person. Their love and compassion for everyone was incredible. You could really tell they cared about everyone.
“When you are in the moment, you don’t really see how much of an impact they have on your life.”
Brian and Wendy married soon after graduating from Purdue University and settled in the Beech Grove area of Indianapolis where they have raised their two sons.
Sharing the faith

Sister Marie Grace also helped prepare their sons Trent and Collin for first communion. The family currently attends Holy Name Parish in Indianapolis.
As Trent and Collin grew older, Brian remembered his student days at Nativity and with the Sisters of Providence and taught his sons based off the Sisters of Providence teachings.
“They encouraged everyone with their faith in God,” Brian said. “That was a big thing: The way they shared their faith.
“They helped me to be a better person and see the best in all people. That’s what we taught Trent and Collin, to be the best person you can be and treat other people with respect.”
Both Trent and Collin graduated from Beech Grove High School in 2020 and are attending Indiana State University this fall.