Blessed Covid-19 and a VIRTUAL Come and See weekend
These days it’s so easy to count the various ways Covid-19 has obliterated our plans for daily life. It has hindered our relationships and our everyday rhythm of life. We have been pummeled by one quarantine guideline after another. We have been constrained to work from home. We’ve practiced social distancing from our loved ones and become obsessed with cleanliness and face coverings.
The yearnings of the human spirit
Despite these challenging circumstances, Covid-19 has not overshadowed the yearnings of the human spirit. It has not rid us of our ability to create, to rise above life’s turbulence. We persevere as we live this pandemic here and now. More importantly, Covid-19 has not halted the Spirit of our Provident God to call, nudge and stir the hearts of women who are searching for something more. No, on the contrary, blessed Covid-19 as I like to call it, has offered us an abundance of holy blessings.

Yes, that’s right! Women now more than ever are sitting before God in holy silence. They are seeking truth and the real meaning of their lives. For some, this is a first, retreating from the hustle of the day-to-day rat race of the every-person-for-themselves mentality that has been instilled in them. They have been so busy pursuing worldly riches, climbing that glorified corporate ladder and earning that degree that may have left them in debt up to their ears. Blessed Covid-19 has brought us all back full circle, back to our roots. Back to what matters. Back to our core where our God of Providence dwells, and invites us to serve one another in love, forgiveness and inclusivity. These virtues are so often lacking in our communities today as we live out our pursuit for that good ole American dream.
Opening the door to the virtual
Blessed Covid-19 has opened the door of virtual communication wider than we could have imagined. And I believe we are only scratching the surface of this outreach. Next month, we will be hosting our first ever virtual Come and See weekend retreat. Discerning women, along with our sisters in initial transformation and our new membership team, will gather on Zoom. We will come together for prayer. Together we will share an in-depth look at our lives as women religious and Sisters of Providence. We will listen to a discernment testimony. And we will share, reflect and examine ways of listening with open hearts, all as the women who attend explore the holy guidance in their lives. It is sure to be a prayerful, life-giving opportunity for all involved.
Please join us on Oct. 23-24, 2020, for this life-giving experience. It is free and open to all single Catholic woman between the ages of 18-42 who are exploring their life’s path.
Sign up or learn more about our upcoming virtual Come and See weekend here.