Three quotes from Mother Theodore that should make you think about volunteering in the New Year

Saint Mother Theodore Guerin was a wise woman. She was so wise in fact that we have a daily quote from her on our website. This means we can attribute at least 365 thought provoking and inspirational phrases directly to her.
As we begin a New Year and a new decade it might be a good time to think about how to give back. The Sisters of Providence are blessed to have many people who donate their time and talents to our ministries. And just like many nonprofit organizations, we can always use more. Good volunteers are essential.
So as you consider volunteering for the Sisters of Providence or another organization in your community, let’s take a moment to see what our wise foundress, Mother Theodore, had to say on the subject of service to others.
“We are not called upon to do all the good that is possible, but only that which we can do.”
Saint Mother Theodore Guerin
It’s OK not do it all and quite sensible. Mother Theodore actually reminds us that we can be a little bit picky even when it comes to “doing good”. Sure you might need to do things that are not always your ideal situation, but you should never volunteer on a long term basis doing something you don’t really enjoy. Choose a volunteer opportunity that you actually like or feel good about doing. Do what you can do because you can’t do it all.
Saint Mother Theodore Guerin
Mother Theodore hit the metaphoric nail on the head. It is a scientific fact (just Google it) that helping others and volunteering can make you feel happy and even lead to improved health. So when choosing to volunteer you are also doing something nice for yourself.
“What a sweet providence it is to find friends thus willing to assist us.”
Saint Mother Theodore Guerin
It’s important to know that wherever you choose to take your time and talents, you will be appreciated. It’s also a great way to make connections with others and maybe find a few new friends yourself along the way. Mother Theodore recognized that she couldn’t do it alone and valued those who helped. She considered them friends.
So as we move into 2020 consider volunteering. And of course if you would like to volunteer here at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods we’d be honored. We’re always looking for new friends to answer phones, visit residents in health care, work on the grounds, lead tours, help in the garden and assist at special events. Sister Rebecca Keller, director of Volunteer Services for the Sisters of Providence, will be happy to find the perfect situation for you. Email her at or call her at 812-535-2878.
Thank you, Mary! I love this article! We treasure our volunteers. We love Mother Theodore and her endless wisdom, love, humor and good sense!
Funny that this should arrive in my mailbox. I intended to volunteer this coming Sunday only to learn that I had to go through some program to be cleared to do so. Never mind! I will find something else to do.