Pray with Our Lady of Providence, Queen of the Home

Jacqueline Fischer places a flower at the painting of Our Lady of Providence.
We invite you to join with the Sisters of Providence, starting Thursday, Nov. 8, in praying the Novena to Our Lady of Providence leading up to her feast day on Nov. 17.
The Our Lady of Providence ministry of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods offers spiritual support and guidance for the real needs of families today. The National Shrine of Our Lady of Providence in the United States is located in the Church of the Immaculate Conception at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.
We believe in Jesus, born of Mary, who emerged from among us to open our eyes to the presence of God working in all creation. We believe in a God who is intensely personal, taking flesh in mothers and fathers, children and babies, in all of creation. May this novena to Our Lady of Providence help us deepen our belief that we are called every day to spread hope and comfort in rebuilding our families and communities wherever we live and work and make our home.
Let us pray.
Day 1
Our Lady of Providence,
Mother of the Church, pray for our Holy Father,
Pope Francis, our bishops and all other clergy, religious,
the laity and for vocations to the priesthood or
religious life.
Remember, O most faithful Lady of Providence,
that you have been given to us by your Son to be our mother.
We entrust to you our labors; bless them.
We commend to you our needs; supply them.
Show for us the same concern you manifested at Cana,
for we trust that whatever you ask of your Son will be done.
Pray for us on our pilgrimage that we may share
the faith and hope that marked your life.
Full of confidence in your power before God,
we place ourselves, our loved ones and all our petitions
in your providential care. Amen.
Continue our prayer with all nine daily novena prayers here.