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Our Lady of Providence

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Nine days of prayer with Mary, Queen of the Home

By Mary Riley | November 5, 2020 |

Pray with the Sisters of Providence for the nine days leading up to the Feast of Our Lady of Providence on Saturday, Nov. 14.

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Throwback Thursday: Pray the Novena of Our Lady of Providence

By Sister Mary Rita Griffin | November 7, 2019 |

On Saturday, Nov. 16 the Sisters of Providence will celebrate the Feast of Our Lady of Providence in a special Mass at 11 a.m. in the Church of the Immaculate…

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A reflection on the Feast of Our Lady of Providence, Queen of the Home

By Sister Rosemary Nudd | November 21, 2018 |

‘Mary’s bedrock of faith, her font of hope, her heart of love – in other words, her trust in God’s providential care – assure her, as she has assured us through the centuries, that Providence never fails.’

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Pray with Our Lady of Providence, Queen of the Home

By Sister Jan Craven | November 7, 2018 |

If we believe in God who is intensely personal, taking flesh in mothers and fathers, children and babies, in all of creation, then we believe in Jesus, born of Mary, who emerged from among us to open our eyes to the presence of God working in all creation.

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Motherhood and Our Lady of Providence

By Sister Mary Rita Griffin | April 15, 2018 |

I realized that I had become a bit disconnected with the fact that the way in which I completed daily tasks was an answer to God’s calling. We all reflected on how we were living out our vocation and further discussed the realities of motherhood, the challenges and immense rewards. We discussed healthy ways to find balance and gentle reminders like, ‘it was a bad day, not a bad life’.  We focused on the strength and genius of femininity.

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Contemplating Mary as the mother of Jesus as we prepare for Christmas

By Sister Mary Rita Griffin | December 8, 2017 |

When I prayerfully gaze at the picture, I remember God’s love through Mary’s example of mothering to Jesus, our Lord.

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The Feast of Our Lady of Providence and Día del Descubrimiento

By Mary Riley | November 18, 2017 |

Tucked away in the rear of the Church of the Immaculate Conception at Saint Mary of-the Woods, Indiana, is the National Shrine of Our Lady of Providence. The shrine, established…

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Take Time to Pray a Novena to Mary, Our Lady of Providence

By Sam Seymour | November 8, 2017 |

The Sisters of Providence invite us to participate in the Novena to Our Lady of Providence, Queen of the Home on Nov. 9-17, and the Mass in honor of her…

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Slow down before you speed up.

By Mary Riley | November 1, 2017 |

The inevitable rush of the holidays is once again upon us. Before you get swept away, take time to pause and remember your departed loved ones.

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Loving example from Our Lady of Providence inspires mom

By Sister Mary Rita Griffin | August 18, 2017 |

Each winter at the Retreat for Busy Catholic Moms, participants spend part of their time getting to know Our Lady of Providence.  Many of the women write about their experience…

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God’s love takes the form of tender loving care

By Sister Mary Rita Griffin | February 28, 2017 |

As a convert, I had grown to cherish Mary despite my initial unfamiliarity with her veneration. But “Providence” in particular was not a vocabulary word I would have associated with Mary. Upon reflection, I believe this is due to my Protestant background. I was only familiar with the Calvinist-influenced understanding of “Providence” as fate, predestination … a rigid notion vastly removed from Mary’s love for all people.

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Pouring out your heart in prayer

By Sister Jan Craven | December 23, 2016 |

Remember our friend Jonah from the Jewish scriptures? He poured out his heart in prayer, saying, “In my distress I called to my God, and God answered me. From deep…

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Through the Our Lady of Providence ministry, the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods offer spiritual support and guidance for the real needs of families today. Plan a visit to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Providence located at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. Or submit a prayer request to be placed in the shrine.

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