Loving example from Our Lady of Providence inspires mom
Each winter at the Retreat for Busy Catholic Moms, participants spend part of their time getting to know Our Lady of Providence. Many of the women write about their experience and then allow us to share them with you. Christy Schmeckebier is a mother, wife, educator, Scout Leader who attended the 2017 retreat. She describes her participation as a “privilege”. However, it is our privilege to host the women who attend this retreat and to introduce them to Mary, Our Lady of Providence. Here are Christy’s thoughts:
My name is Christy Schmeckebier, and I had the privilege of attending the “Busy Moms Retreat” at Saint Mary-of-the Woods this past February.
While on retreat, I had the opportunity to spend time with Mary as Our Lady of Providence. As I reflect on mother Mary, I am incredibly grateful to God for the gift of her strong, tender, patient, loving example. Mary always appears slow to anger and slow to judge others. There are many years of Jesus’ life – the “silent years” – when Our Lady was physically, emotionally, spiritually present. I am grateful for her example – her visit with Elizabeth – showing us that we need the opportunity to connect with other women, with other moms.
Providence can be defined as “the protective care of God; providing spiritual care.” I believe my time on retreat reopened my eyes to the value of spending time with Our Lady of Providence, seeking her intercession on my family’s behalf, and depending on her as another source of “spiritual care.”
Mary loved and forgave so many imperfect people. She trusted God with her entire life…with her son’s life…and with his death. Most importantly, she said, “yes.” I pray that I am able to say “yes” to God every single day.