70 years with Our Lady of Providence

Paul and Alex with the original painting that hung in the childhood home of Sister Mary Rita Griffin
This painting of Our Lady of Providence, Queen of the Home, was hung at the entrance of my home in 1946, when I was 10 years old. The painting greeted each person coming into our home, not only visitors but my parents, younger brother and me. It spoke to all of the loving care of Mary for each one that entered.
After my father died in 1992, my mother stayed in the home until 1997. She then moved to an efficiency apartment in a retirement community. Of the few items she took with her, one was this painting of Our Lady of Providence. She again placed it at the entrance of her apartment. The painting brought her much consolation as she graciously aged.
At my mother’s death, this heirloom was taken by Martin, her eldest grandson, and Joanne, his wife, for the entrance way to their home. Their two children, Paul and Alex, are standing proudly before the painting in the photo at right.
Feast of Our Lady of Providence
On November 10, we Sisters of Providence begin the nine day Novena to Our Lady of Providence. It will culminate with her feast on Saturday, November 19. We ask you and your family to join with us in praying the Novena for our Church, our homes, and the needs of many in our world. Please also join us for the feast day Mass with a special blessing on families, on Saturday, November 19 at 11 a.m.
In Saint Mother Theodore Guerin’s instruction to her sisters she wrote, “True devotion to the Holy Virgin consists in imitating her virtue, in following her example. Be humble, like your Mother, devoted like her to the interests of God and your neighbor, and then you can say that you love Mary; and she will recognize you for her children.”
Dear Sister Rita,
I loved reading your beautiful story about your picture of Our Lady Of Providence.
When I was a young lady about to be married in July, 1966, the principal of St. Simon’s
Catholic School in Indianapolis, where I taught third grade, gave me this lovely picture as a wedding gift. We moved many times when we were young, and our picture always went to each home.
This past July, my husband Michael and I celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary.
I have always had a devotion to Our Lady Queen of the home, and feel she helped us many times.
It has a special meaning also, for the Sister who gave it to me, Sister James Mary, died
when I taught at Immaculate Heart of Mary. Sister was young, 39, and a dear lady.
Thank you for sharing your wonderful story,
Janet Schnorr Tosick, Greenfield, In.
For years, I have made it a practice to give Our Lady of Providence as a wedding gift to my nieces and nephews. They always are so appreciative.
Dear Sister Mary, Your story brought back to me such fond memories of your parents. And I am so glad to see the picture with Martin and his family. You and all your family brought joy to my days on mission in DC! With prayer and thanks, Sister Mary Leahy