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NETWORK’s Nuns on the Bus coming to Terre Haute!

Nuns-on-the-Bus-artThe Nuns on the Bus are coming to Terre Haute!

On Thursday, July 14, NETWORK’S Nuns on the Bus will make its third stop on the 2016 nationwide tour by conducting a caucus at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, 215 N. 7th St., Terre Haute.

This year’s tour is called “Mend the Gaps: Reweaving the Fabric of Society.”

The organization has developed a plan that focuses details on tax justice, living wages, family-friendly workplaces, access to Democracy, access to healthcare, access to citizenship and access to housing. NETWORK intends to “dare” elected officials and candidates to “Mend the Gaps,” in income and wealth inequality throughout the nation.

During the tour, the Nuns on the Bus intend to listen to stories of the gaps that people are experiencing and provide a strategy that can bridge divides.

According to NETWORK, its goal is “to bring a politics of inclusion to divided places, change the conversation to mending the vast economic and social divides in our country, and counter political incivility with our message of inclusion.”

This year’s tour begins with a pre-launch blessing in Madison, Wis., prior to a kick-off rally in Janesville, Wis., on July 12.

A caucus will take place in Bloomington, Ill., on July 12, and another has been scheduled to take place in Jefferson City, Mo., on July 13, before the Terre Haute gathering.

The summer tour will conclude with three days of workshops and caucus events on July 26-28, in addition to a closing ceremony on July 29, in Philadelphia.

NETWORK is a Roman Catholic social justice lobby based in Washington, D.C. Its origin can be traced back to 1971, when 47 Catholics of justice gathered at Trinity College in Washington, D.C., to “shape a new ministry of justice.

Sister Simone Campbell, SSS, serves as the organization’s executive director. Sister Simone has appeared on several national television shows and has received the “Defender of Democracy Award,” from the International Parliamentarians for Global Action, as well as the “Health Care Heroes Award,” from Families USA.

She was also a featured speaker at the 2012 Democratic National Convention.

The Nuns on the Bus will also be traveling to Fort Wayne on July 15 for a caucus, which will take place at St. Mary’s Parish, 1101 S. Lafayette Street.

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