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Sister Joni Luna enters the Novitiate on Aug. 10, 2014

Joni Luna entered the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods Novitiate on Aug. 10, 2014, in a special ceremony in the Church of the Immaculate Conception. A colorful banner and incense lead the entrance procession, along with the song, “The Summons.”

It was a beautiful event, with readings given in both Spanish and English. After the Blessing and Presentation of the Cross by Sister Denise Wilkinson, musicians performed “Lord, When You Came/Pescador de Hombres,” again in both languages.

During the ceremony, Joni is asked what she desires of the Congregation.

She responded, “Provident God of truth, virtue and goodness, I stand before you today as I answer the call that yearns within me. I ask you, Sister Denise, and you, my Sisters, to receive my commitment to humbly walk day by day on this providential journey. I ask with a joyful heart to join you as a novice of the Sisters of Providence. I promise to grope along slowly with courage. I promise to remain faithful to seeking God as my main source of companionship. I promise to share my gifts and talents in furthering the mission of love, mercy and justice. May I be open and accessible to the Divine wisdom of Providence. May I always love you much and never forget why I have come.”

The Congregation responds affirmatively. The event ended with the Prayer of Reunion, a final Blessing and participants singing, “How Can I Keep from Singing.” A private reception followed. Help celebrate Sister Joni’s special day with her by sharing in her photo album!

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Diane Weidenbenner

Diane Weidenbenner is the annual fund manager and donor relations for the Sisters of Providence Advancement Services office. She's also a Providence Associate.

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