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A Valiant Woman

People around the world honor mothers. Designating a special day for mothers, as we do in the United States, brings into the consciousness of our nation the wonderful women who bear the name Mother.

Of course, our mind goes immediately to our own mother, the woman who gave us birth and nurtured us along the way to adulthood. We never outgrow the need for our mother’s love, care, advice, etc. No matter how old we are, we are always our mother’s child. And as long as she is alive, a mother is always in her nurturing role – once a mother, always a mother.

The words most etched in my memory are “Mom’s dead!” That was the shocking news I received over the phone from my sister June, April 14, 1978. There was no advanced warning or preparation. No chance to say goodbye! I never appreciated my mother so much as I did that awful day. And it was too late to tell her so.

If your mother is still living, tell her what she means to you. Show your appreciation for her. Do so this Mother’s Day… and, as often as possible, throughout the year.

The Sisters of St. Joseph and Ministry of the Arts have granted me permission to share the following…feel free to pass it on this Mother’s Day. This contemporary take on Proverbs 31 truly describes many, many remarkable mothers!

She is a VALIANT woman;
her roots are firmly planted.
The kingdom is within; her heart, treasure-filled.
She is a JOYFUL woman
for whom laughter is no stranger:
a song to sing, a smile to give, a hand to clasp or embrace.

She is a STRONG woman
whose heart and arms
withstand the pressures and the worries
that each day unfolds.
She is a PATIENT woman
waiting through storm and night
for new life, new growth, rich harvest.

She is a LOVING woman
ever giving and forgiving, ever caring and concerned.
She is a SHARING woman
who with arms outstretched
gives her gifts and treasures to those both near and far.

Proverbs 31
“A Valiant Woman” courtesy of www.MinistryOfTheArts.org

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Sister Mary Beth Klingel

Sister Mary Beth Klingel

Sister Mary Beth is currently ministering as the Guest Services Coordinator in Woodhaven, a Retreat and Guest House. In addition to many liturgical involvements, she also is a volunteer visitor in Providence Health Care. Previously she served for 10 years on the SP leadership team general officer on the leadership team of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. She has previously served as an elementary school teacher, pastoral minister and director of novices.

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  1. Avatar Anonymous on May 14, 2012 at 2:32 pm

    Such thoughtful words. Thanks for sharing Sister Mary Beth!

    Sarah Valentine

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