Stories about

Providence Associates

Get to know Providence Associate Beverly Adams

By Beverly Adams | August 26, 2021 |

With the next year’s invite, I decided why not give the Providence Associates a try? My first visit to the Woods was astonishing. Once on the inside, there was a sense of peace. All of God’s disciples were welcoming, nice and full of love. That has become one of the best life-altering choices I’ve made.

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Get to know Providence Associate Julia Lopez-Kaley

By Amy Miranda | August 2, 2021 |

Being a Providence Associate continues to remind me that I am part of something bigger than myself. I have a community that I am deeply connected to, even though I live at a significant distance. It is so life-giving to be reminded of meaning and purpose in life.

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Get to know Providence Associate Candace Minster

By Amy Miranda | July 14, 2021 |

I was blown away by the Sisters of Providence when I came as a volunteer fresh out of college. I thought I understood what it meant to be Catholic, but I really had no idea. I had no idea so many women had dedicated their lives to the service of others. The sisters that I met, their stories, their passion and their commitment to justice inspired me.

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Get to know Providence Associate Brad Crites

By Amy Miranda | June 2, 2021 |

The Providence Community, for me, is three things: a breath of fresh air, a bringing of my faith journey full-circle and a calling toward future mission. It is wonderful to find an open-minded group that shares the command of Jesus to love God and neighbor in a vibrant and joyful way.

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Get to know Providence Associate Cathy Allen

By Amy Miranda | May 21, 2021 |

Being a Providence Associate has helped me to improve on my prayer life (which is still a work in progress). I find praying various prayers like the Litany of Nonviolence very satisfying. Also, my faith has become stronger through being an associate and knowing the Sisters of Providence all these years.

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Five reasons to become a Providence Associate

By Amy Miranda | May 16, 2021 |

Why become a Providence Associate? Here are five reasons.

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Providence in a year of pandemic

By Sisters of Providence | May 3, 2021 |

Here is a glimpse of what the Providence community has been up to in the past year.

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Celebrating our Volunteers!

By Jason Moon | April 23, 2021 |

‘It’s as simple as that. I love doing what I do.’

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My journey with Providence

By Cathy Lamperski Dearing | April 8, 2021 |

After my second visit to the Woods, she asked me, “Do you know anything about Providence Associates?” I was not familiar with an associate relationship with the Sisters of Providence. She invited me to consider becoming one. She provided me with information and brochures. Mostly, she provided me with encouragement and this excitement and enthusiasm about her community and its mission.

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Musings on World Poetry Day

By Lori Strawn | March 21, 2021 |

Today, why not discover the work of a poet you’ve never heard of before?

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Permissive attitude toward racism inspires book club

By Sister Donna Butler | February 11, 2021 |

“Once you learn this information you cannot un-know it.” Both sisters have a better understanding of systemic racism. Both are motivated to pay better attention to the injustice in our legal and prison system. This experience compels them to acknowledge their own racism and what their part is in contributing to racism.

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Patience: a poem

By Marci Alvis-Slinski | January 31, 2021 |

To practice Patience is to quiet the mind and the soul.
If Yoga and Tai Chi are meditations in motion,
then Fiber Art is minuscule movements and
tiny meditations in patience.

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Get a feel for who the Providence Associate community is and find inspiration in these stories. Reflections, poetry, articles and more by and about Providence Associates. Are you being called to walk with the Sisters of Providence as a Providence Associate?

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