Traditions are ways for us to pass along the memories from one generation to another.
Read moreLet the holy within you rise
to greet silence as a friend
and enter into prayer
that moves and lives
and has being in you
for as long as it lasts.
I feel a new sense of peace. It’s something different from what I’ve felt before, just because I’ve listened more closely. This is a new peace and awareness and I do not take it lightly.
Read moreFor me, this was a providential encounter of Beginning Encounter (BE) and the Providence Associate program. After my husband died in 2010, I came to my “BE Weekend.” I joined the team in late 2011 and have been, in Henry Nouwen’s words, a “wounded healer” ever since, serving in various capacities, helping myself while helping others like me.
Read morePlease join the Sisters of Providence and all who share in the charism of Providence by saying this prayer at 3 p.m. daily, wherever you may be.
Read moreThese reflections will be encouraging and thoughtful for all who are seeking God in these difficult times.
Read moreAmidst all the prescribed “social distancing” we are still not alone. Jesus’ message to his apostles in Gethsemane was to “watch and pray” as he went off to be alone for a while. Jesus’ message to us is also to watch and pray, particularly as we spend these days in ways we never imagined.
Read moreFast forward to today and a new signature style. I use it regularly now and love it when someone asks what it means. I use it when I sign in as a volunteer, when I complete a guest register, and when I share my name and contact information.
Read moreI found myself more vulnerable, which can be unsettling for sure. But, you see, I never felt alone, which makes all the difference! I felt upheld by all the Sisters of Providence, past and present, who have been down this path. I am still in wonder and filled with gratitude by the fact that they beckon us to follow.
Read moreIn the summer issue of HOPE magazine, we Sisters of Providence laid out our plans for our newest outreach ministry: the creation of Providence Community Cemetery. Here we will receive…
Read moreGet a feel for who the Providence Associate community is and find inspiration in these stories. Reflections, poetry, articles and more by and about Providence Associates. Are you being called to walk with the Sisters of Providence as a Providence Associate?