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The bond of friendship leads to lives as sisters

By Diane Weidenbenner | January 19, 2018 |

“Before Anna and I were friends. Now we are family members of the Sisters of Providence, with a multi-year friendship base to help me live more freely in this family,” Teresa said.

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The joy of a religious vocation

By Amy Miranda | November 5, 2017 |

This National Vocation Awareness Week, we thought what better way to make us all more aware of a religious vocation as a Sister of Providence than by showing it!

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A mother’s prayer

By Amy Miranda | September 12, 2017 |

Sister Dina’s mother Cynthia relates the story where she believes God spoke to her regarding her daughter’s vocation.

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Preparing to bring God’s love, mercy and justice to the world

By Amy Miranda | September 12, 2017 |

“My mind and my heart have been stretched and made more pliable through the formation process. And I know that I am loved. And the fact that I am loved calls me to love as well,” Sister Dina Bato said.

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Sister Emily TeKolste entrance to the novitiate Aug. 5, 2017

By Amy Miranda | August 10, 2017 |

She is officially Sister Emily! On Saturday, Aug. 5, Emily TeKolste moved into her next step in formation as she becomes a Sister of Providence. She entered the novitiate, receiving…

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Reflection for the reception of Sister Emily TeKolste into the novitiate

By Sister Dawn Tomaszewski | August 9, 2017 |

What experiences will you welcome to open the eyes of your soul? Will you give the Holy Spirit free access to your mind and your heart so that you will see things in new lights?

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Fresh eyes on Sisters of Providence Annual Meeting

By Sister Emily TeKolste | July 7, 2017 |

Though specific forms have varied throughout the history of the Sisters of Providence, the annual coming together of all sisters has been an important tradition for the community. Last week, I got to participate in my first annual meeting.

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Listening, loving, letting go: reflection for profession of vows

By Sister Dawn Tomaszewski | June 27, 2017 |

“Obedience, chastity, poverty — listening, loving, letting go. These are set before you today in a deeper way. And to return to the scripture for today — God is with you every step of the way.”
Sister Dawn reflects at the vows ceremony for three Sisters of Providence.

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Vows ceremony for Sisters Dina Bato, Anna Fan and Tracey Horan

By Amy Miranda | June 26, 2017 |

On Sunday, June 25, 2017, Sister Dina Bato professed perpetual vows of poverty, chastity and obedience as a Sister of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. Sisters Anna Fan and Tracey Horan…

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One step at a time: Sister Dina on upcoming vows

By Sister Dina Bato | June 21, 2017 |

“From searching for my life’s purpose to finding passion and love. I know I could not have planned my life any better. I am reminded regularly to be open and teachable no matter who my teachers are. That every journey starts and continues, one step at a time. And that everything is gift.”
Sister Dina reflects on professing perpetual vows as a Sister of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana.

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Go out and make a difference

By Sister Joni Luna | June 8, 2017 |

Being a sister doesn’t ensure my going to heaven or living a hurt-free or pain-free life. It does not give me prestige or pay a six-figure salary. On the contrary, I have no earthly idea where the pursuit will take me, but I am learning to trust in Providence. The Providence, which, our foundress Saint Mother Theodore reminds us, “has never failed us.” When I look at the person in the mirror, I like who I am becoming.

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Holy and profane

By Sister Emily TeKolste | May 31, 2017 |

It’s not often that I spend time with my extended family in public. Sometimes, these interactions remind me how differently much of the world views Catholic sisters compared to my experience.
This weekend, I went to my cousin’s high school graduation party. Partway through the party, one of my uncles started asking me to bless him. Another made a comment about spending time with me to become holy by association.

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