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Care of Earth attracts new members

By Diane Weidenbenner | April 20, 2015 |

The Sisters of Providence ministry educating toward care for creation at White Violet Center for Eco-Justice is attracting young women to joining the Congregation.

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Remembering Sister Helen Vinton: nature walks and care for the environment

By Amy Miranda | April 20, 2015 |

When I had Sister Helen Jean for biology I enjoyed class, but the nature walks were the best!

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Sister Helen Jean Vinton: a woman for all time

By Sister Ann Casper | April 20, 2015 |

Sister Helen Jean instilled in me the sense that God’s creation given to us must be protected. Her quiet way, her love for God’s creation and her passion for teaching influenced so many young minds.

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A Reflection on Sister Helen Jean Vinton

By Sister Ann Casper | April 20, 2015 |

I cannot recall if Sister Helen ever used the words “social justice” she just lived it as an example to her students. So perhaps that is the greatest gift I received from the time spent with Sister Helen. To create a life of purpose and a way of thinking that is bigger than you in a world that needs our care.

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Ecological pioneer teacher leaves lasting impression

By Sister Ann Casper | April 20, 2015 |

“[Sister Helen Jean] taught all of us … a way of thinking and living in a much bigger world than most of us had experienced before. Caring for each other, the earth and people we would never know was as normal as breathing to Sister Helen.” — Julia Boarini Conaghan, ’73

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The original Earth Mother

By Sister Ann Casper | April 20, 2015 |

Sister Helen was the original Earth Mother.

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Of liverwort and shaved eyebrows: Anne Healey remembers Sister Helen Vinton the scientist

By Sister Ann Casper | April 20, 2015 |

I took Biology from Sister Helen [Vinton] as a sophomore at Ladywood-St. Agnes High School [in Indianapolis] and the most memorable lesson I learned from her was a curiosity and…

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Sustainability midst the bustle

By Amy Miranda | April 18, 2015 |

How does one fit living an ecologically friendly lifestyle into the busyness of life? For Providence Associates Jennifer and Duane Drake, it’s about being gentle with themselves in the process.

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Cherishing creation

By Sister Dawn Tomaszewski | April 18, 2015 |

“Our promise in this time is to be God’s loving care for all creation, to be one of the ways God sustains life. We desire to live in right relationship with our Earth and with all that dwells on Earth.”

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Finding balance with sustainability

By Lorrie Heber | April 18, 2015 |

But failing to assess the full cost and the real “good” is a prime source of environmental, social and economic degradation and has long-term consequences for the viability of life on Earth. Finding balance with an eye to the long-term when weighing environmental, social and economic factors is at the very heart of achieving sustainability.

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Sister Helen Vinton: environmental virtuoso in the bayous

By Sister Cathy Campbell | April 18, 2015 |

“Sister Helen is truly one of the most amazing community organizers with whom I have ever worked. The threads in her life and her Sister of Providence perspective on breaking boundaries and creating hope have made her a perfect fit for Southern Mutual Help Association.”

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Sisters of Providence Land Ethic

By Sisters of Providence | April 18, 2015 |

We hope this portion of the Sisters of Providence land ethic offers you ideas for creating your own guiding principals for living in harmony with creation.

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Here you will find wonderful content from the Sisters of Providence. The articles here all appeared in HOPE magazine. The Sisters of Providence publish HOPE three times a year to share the mission, spirituality and ministries of the Sisters of Providence. Enjoy!

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