General Superior Sister Dawn Tomaszewski and Sister Nancy Nolan Sister Alice Ann Rhinesmith Sister Maureen Ann McCarthy Sister Noralee Keefe Sister Rita Clare Gerardot Sister Mary Cecile Grojean Sister Rosemary…
Read moreShe was often referred to as the ‘sister with the dancing feet’
Read moreWhether you are discerning where God is calling you now, or grappling with where God might be calling you next, perhaps this “letter” from Saint Mother Theodore will speak to you.
Read more“May we all be Saints! We shall be if we make good use of the time that remains for us to gain Heaven. …” A previously unpublished letter from Saint Mother Theodore Guerin
Read moreDid you know there’s more from Saint Mother Theodore? The Archives department for the Sisters of Providence has several of Saint Mother Theodore’s letters that were not included in Journals and Letters.
Read moreIn this small glimpse of mercy in Islam, we reflect the hope of Pope Francis that this Jubilee year will “foster an encounter,” “open us to even more fervent dialogue” and “eliminate every form of closed-mindedness” toward Islam, Judaism, and “other noble religious traditions.” Inshallah! (God willing!)
Read more“It’s a rewarding walk; a deeper inner journey.”
Read more“The authors are in this book. They share their inner and affective responses with the reader and demonstrate clearly how the one in a position of “authority” (therapist, supervisor) authors the potential for healing. They offer it through their being with and not emotionally disconnected from.” A book review by Sister Barbara Sheehan of “The Other Couch: Discovering Women’s Wisdom in Therapy” by Patricia Peters Martin, Ph.D. and Helene DeMontreux Houston, M.S., APRN.
Read moreThe spirituality of Providence tells us that all of life is interconnected, that all is holy, all is one. There was “oneness” in that room that day. I could see it AND feel it. I know the source is Providence.
Providence Associates are women and men of faith who choose to have an intentional relationship with the Sisters of Providence. They commit to sharing their own unique gifts and talents with others while walking with the Sisters of Providence. But they also walk with each other and that is making all the difference.
“I wanted to find a career where I can get up in the morning and be excited about going to work,” Nate said. Now he is making history as one of the first on-campus male students at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College while he pursues his love for music and healing in the music therapy program.
Read moreIn 1841, our Foundress, Saint Mother Theodore Guerin, accepted the first student at the Saint Mary-of-the-Woods Academy. For the decades since and still today, our Congregation continues its ministry of education in all its forms. We have deep love for and cherish the relationships we have with our former students. Learn about some of the schools we have ministered at here. Are you an alum looking for a favorite teacher? Find her here!