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Call to Action: The Call to Holiness in an Election Year

By Sisters of Providence Political Engagement Team | March 5, 2020 |

During a recent gathering with young people, Cardinal Cupich was asked how our faith should inform our politics and our voting decisions. Responding with wisdom, Cardinal Cupich invited the group…

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‘It was 20 years ago today …’

By Jason Moon | March 3, 2020 |

‘We were attracted to the combination of faith, justice, and environmental sustainability WVC and the Sisters of Providence offered.’

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Call to Action: Write Opinion Editorials for local media outlets

By Sisters of Providence Political Engagement Team | February 27, 2020 |

Next, decide on the focus of your story. Will you focus on the impact of weather abnormalities on your local community?

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Join the Lenten Food Waste Fast!

By Sisters of Providence | February 24, 2020 |

Are you up for the challenge?

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Tips for writing effective Letters to the Editor

By Sisters of Providence Political Engagement Team | February 20, 2020 |

(Note: The following blog has been adapted from “24 Reasons to Hope: of The Climate Reality Project”) Solving the climate crisis is within our grasp, but we need people like…

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Call to Action: Make Your Voice Heard!

By Sisters of Providence Political Engagement Team | February 13, 2020 |

To assist members of our Providence Community to do these concrete actions, the Advocacy Team of the Climate Change Task Force will provide resources for you to make your voice heard as we prepare for the 2020 elections

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Sisters of Providence earn runner-up status for leadership and sustainability

By Jason Moon | February 7, 2020 | Comments Off on Sisters of Providence earn runner-up status for leadership and sustainability

“We are honored that our work to inspire others to mitigate climate change was recognized by IPL.”

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How to Meet with Congress

By Sisters of Providence Political Engagement Team | February 6, 2020 |

Meeting face-to-face with your members of Congress is the single most effective way to persuade them to support the issues you care about

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Welcome Rochelle Madden!

By Jason Moon | February 5, 2020 |

“A fun fact about me is that my husband’s great aunt was a Sister of Providence – Sister Miriam Loretto Wonderly.”

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Political Engagement for Climate Justice

By Sisters of Providence Political Engagement Team | January 30, 2020 |

All are invited to pray intensively to the Holy Spirit to guide voters at the ballot box to make informed decisions based on Gospel values

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Congregation severing ties with AmazonSmile program

By Sisters of Providence | January 22, 2020 |

. Being an informed consumer requires careful deliberations at many levels. For us, this is but one example of making a different choice as new information comes to light

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Providence Associates: addressing the needs in our backyards

By Amy Miranda | January 13, 2020 |

We asked Providence Associates from around the country to tell us about an issue in “their own backyard” that they are passionate about. Here several Providence Associates share about a need and how they are responding.

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“Without distinction of persons, do good to all for the love of God.” -Saint Mother Theodore Guerin. Join us on our journey of advocacy and action for all people and for all Gods’ creation. Learn more about our mission for environmental and social justice.

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