Sister profile

Sister Paula Modaff

Formerly Sister Marie Pauline


Home » Sister Profiles » Paula Modaff


Sister Paula was born on March 4, 1941, in Oak Park, Illinois. Her family eventually moved to Aurora, Illinois, where she spent her childhood.

She entered the Congregation on July 22, 1959, professing first vows on January 23, 1952, and final vows on August 15, 1967.

Of her ministries, she has served as a teacher at the high school level, as well as a Sister Visitor, and ministering in marriage nullity cases in tribunals in five different dioceses.

Currently, Sister Paula ministers as a spiritual companion at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods.

Sister Paula recently said, “People may not know that I have played more than 12,000 games of free cell on the computer since the year 2003.”

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