Sister Maureen Abbott
Formerly Sister Maureen Francis
Sister Maureen was born on January 23, 1939 and died on January 25, 2023.

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Sister Maureen, formerly Sister Maureen Francis, was born on January 23, 1939, in Buffalo, New York. Her connection to the Sisters of Providence came via Robstown, Texas, where many sisters taught at St. John School. Her family moved from Buffalo to Robstown.
She entered the Congregation on July 22, 1956, professing first vows on January 23, 1959, and final vows on August 15, 1964.
Of her ministries, Sister Maureen served as a teacher at the junior high and high school level. She also ministered as a principal at three different Catholic Schools. Sister Maureen has also ministered in various diocesan administration positions and was the author of the Congregation’s community history fourth volume book. Currently, she ministers in the Archives Department as a community historian.
Sister Maureen said she enjoys “beatifying the Providence Hall courtyard by gardening and planting flowers.”
Complete list of ministries
In California: teacher, St. Ambrose, Hollywood (1965-1966); teacher, St. Joseph, Hawthorne (1966-1969); principal, St. Joseph, Hawthorne (1969-1973); teacher, St. Ambrose, Hollywood (1973-74); principal, St. Anthony, Gardena (1974-1978); provincial, St. Michael Province, Tustin (1988-91); religion teacher/campus minister, Mercy High School, San Francisco (1992-98)
In Illinois: religion teacher, Mother Theodore Guerin High School, River Grove (1978-79); principal/administrator, Costa Catholic School, Galesburg (1979-1982)
In Indiana: teacher, St. Andrew, Indianapolis (1961-1965); community historian, Saint Mary-of-the-Woods (2015-2023)
In Oregon: tribunal, Archdiocese of Portland (1998-2015)
In Texas: director of ministries/vicar of education, Diocese of Corpus Christi (1983-88)
Written by this sister
This sister has written content published on this website. Here is some recent content, or you can view her full author listing here.
- Reconnecting with Basilian Sisters in Ukraine
- ‘Against All Odds’ – Sister Clare Mitchell, SP
- Sister Donna Marie Fu: Called by God to serve a global church
- A Prayer for Arbor Day, April 24, 2020
- Reflection and prayer for Black History Month
Read more
Sister Maureen is featured in the following content on the Sisters of Providence website:
- Video: Sisters of Providence share values of religious life
- Thirty Sisters of Providence celebrate Senior Jubilees
- Authors to sign books during shrine opening
- Ministry in the marriage tribunal
- A historical snapshot of the SP human rights efforts
- Firmly rooted like the Woods
- A remarkable woman
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