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Sister Clelia Cecchetti (formerly Sister Rosina)

Published on February 4, 2024

…aptly describe Sister Clelia’s love affair with music which started out in her very musical and talented family, continued formerly as a music teacher, and became an integral part of varied ministries she pursued. But they also express her consistent trust in God’s help and mercy which bore fruit in her life of hope and joy, said Sister Marilyn Baker in her commentary for Sister Clelia Cecchetti, formerly Sister Rosina, who passed away on Saturday, February 3, 2024, at Saint…



Sisters take part in monument unveiling

Published on February 15, 2024

…together for peace. Let us be attentive to the cries of the poor, the disenfranchised, the lonely, the abandoned. May we treat all with respect, fairness and love. May compassion guide us to see all as sons and daughters of the Divine. And may this community be known for its justice and care for every person. “And so, we bless this statue of Mr. Douglass … an example to us of how to live a life of love, mercy and…



‘Everything is Connected’ — Our Climate

Published on February 26, 2024

…And the world’s poor, who are least responsible for climate change, bear an unfair burden of the impacts – though all of us will be affected. What needs to change? With swift action to rapidly eliminate greenhouse gas emissions, we can limit temperature rise and prevent its most dangerous outcomes. In 2015, nearly 200 countries signed an agreement in Paris to limit temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius, but we have not acted fast enough. The coming decade will be…



‘Eclipsed’ in the Archives?

Published on March 9, 2024

…then the sunlight shot forth and the birds seeing their mistake, began to twitter and fly about the stars quietly withdrew from sight. One lovely feature in that splendid scene was the fairylike penciling of the shadows of the trees during the few moments immediately preceding and following the total obscuration of the sun.’” What a Find! Sister Marie Grace Molloy, SP, who ministers in the Congregation’s Archives Department, happened upon this passage in the book and wanted to share…



Sister Grace Marie Meehan

Published on March 2, 2024

…that Providence who brings us together now to remember and celebrate you, Grace Marie. We know we will see you again. And, since we don’t know what heaven is like, it’s fair to imagine, when our turns come, we will find you where your family always found you when on vacation – playing the slot machines or playing bingo. It’s possible, isn’t it Gracie? Funeral information Funeral services for Sister Grace Marie took place on Monday, March 11, and Tuesday,…



Everything is connected – Our Water

Published on March 11, 2024

…reliable supplies of water, especially the poor. We can ensure access to safe drinking water, sanitation for all, and sustainable use of water in agriculture and industry by treating it as a precious resource and conserving and managing it in a fair and sustainable way. Access to clean water is a growing challenge More and more people lack clean water for drinking, washing and irrigating crops. Sometimes this is because there simply isn’t enough water, or because it is overused,…


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