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Care of Earth: an ascetical practice for our times?

Published on September 26, 2008

…with the spiritual training designed to help one become a more virtuous person. The difficulties involved in the practice were considered a fair price in exchange for the value acquired! In the western world, words commonly associated with asceticism are sacrifice, penance, renunciation, self-discipline, self-control, etc. While all major religions teach a theology of asceticism, the way it is practiced has varied in different cultures and in different periods of history. In the Christian tradition, for example, older readers will…



Sister Frances Alma McManus

Published on May 30, 2012

…a place that young ladies went to be educated and to become the best person that they were capable of being.  I remember your calm voice even when you were unhappy about a situation and the way you handled things calmly and efficiently.’ “Similarly, ‘We respected you even if we were afraid of you at times.  In retrospect, I can say that you were always fair and most of all, patient with us.  You always encouraged excellence.’ “Another revealing insight,…



A vocation Q & A with Sister Jenny

Published on September 26, 2010

…they were exploring religious life, but it seems now they are more willing to say that’s what they are thinking about. We’ve been very fortunate to have women enter our Congregation fairly consistently throughout this period of time. Q. From the research and reading you have done, and the workshops in which you have participated, what do you believe young people are looking for today? A. Young people today are searching for deeper meaning in their lives, and a way…



Making sense of the present moment

Published on May 13, 2008

…She is fairly eclectic in her reading and keeps an open mind. “I’m always looking to see how the Word is being broken open to help us meet the challenges of the secular world,” added Sister Cathy. She has recently become interested in the writings of Pope Benedict XVI and is reading his “Jesus of Nazareth” which she has found “moving and beautiful.” Sister Cathy feels the Beatitudes provide a good understanding of the gospel message today. “God calls us…



The Le Fer sisters: Gifts to the Congregation

Published on January 13, 2008

…news that Elvire, one of her sisters, was coming to join the Congregation. Sister Mary Joseph’s arrival Twenty-six years of age, charming, gracious, and amiable, Elvire Le Fer de la Motte was also very talented. Her sister Clementine wrote to Sister St. Francis, “You will have a fine musician, accountant, an artistic skill served by fairy fingers, and finally you will have a ready heart which knows no limits in its devotedness. … You desired one of your sisters, one…



Sister Terri Boland

Published on June 17, 2012

…in my thirties.” I was thinking this is so not fair that they would be taking women at 30 years of age. Even though it was a possibility, I was thinking I was way beyond the right age to enter a religious community. I was 35 at the time. That day I also met with Sister Rose Ann Eaton who was the provincial in Chicago at that time and decided to stay in conversation with her for a couple of…



Movies that stay with you

Published on February 7, 2012

…to the detriment of her nation and herself. The storyline of “The Descendants” is one of relationships; we Sisters of Providence would say of “right relationships.” Set against incredibly beautiful Hawaiian landscapes, a father and his young daughters cope with the dying of his wife, their mother. All sorts of other characters come into play – the teenage daughter’s boyfriend, the parents of the dying woman, the man with whom the dying woman had had an affair, that man’s wife…



Arrianne enters the novitiate

Published on August 21, 2012

Arrianne Whittaker entered the novitiate of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods on Saturday. Read Sister Denise Wilkinson’s reflection from Saturday. My time in the postulancy certainly stretched and challenged me to grow in many different ways. I find that transitions through change tend to do that; and I certainly had my fair share of transitions this past year! I thoroughly enjoyed my ministry visits. They gave me many opportunities to see, first hand, the varied types of ministries…




Published on October 30, 2012

…, a service of All About GOD Ministries, Inc., is fairly descriptive of Halloween. I offer it for your consideration since the article concluded with an invitation to share it with friends. When we consider the history of Halloween from a Christian perspective, it may seem as if the modern holiday has gotten out of hand. After all, doesn’t Halloween glorify evil? Is it right to send our children out as devils and vampires? Should we emphasize the saints, whose…



Sisters enjoy the intensity and challenge in a good game of Scrabble

Published on January 24, 2013

…game. It is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G in that way. I like creating words just for the enjoyment of it. I am not in it for competition. That would take the joy out of it for me,” said Sister Marilyn Therese Lipps. But competitive forces do come into playfor some of the sisters. Sister Donna: “I’m pretty good at it. I win my fair share.” Sister Mary Ann: “I admit I have won many games; however, that depends on with whom I am…



Grandma’s rituals: Holy Week & Easter 2013

Published on March 21, 2013

…all-day affair, and a process that intrigued me. She made delicious lamb cakes and decorated them beautifully and artistically. What do these memories have to do with the reflection on the Easter mystery? Well, let me briefly explain my lifelong learnings gleaned through the home rituals. Holy Thursday’s visits to the Churches created a sense in me of holy times and holy spaces. Our trek from parish to parish taught me that our Catholic Church was a big church of…



Sister Jeanne Knoerle, former college president and Terre Haute community partner, dies Monday

Published on June 10, 2013

…said Dottie King, Ph.D., president of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College. “Her work was always groundbreaking. I, as others, found her to be energetic, visionary and positive – always positive. To me she was a treasured friend, a trusted confidant and a mentor. I will miss her greatly.” Sister Jeanne, 85, formerly known as Sister Mary Gregory, was a native of Lakewood, Ohio. She entered the Congregation July 22, 1949, from St. Angela Parish in Fairview Village, Ohio. She professed perpetual vows…


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