Prayer for suicide loss survivors

When I am in shock, please God help me to just keep breathing.
When I am numbed out, please let others reach in to touch my heart.
When I am in denial, give me the grace to accept what is true.
When my faith is shaken, please God remind me of your love for me.
When I am anxious, remind me you are with me on my journey.
When I am full of fear, remind me I am not alone on my grief journey.
When I am frustrated, help me to calm down and ask for insight.
When I am confused, let your Spirit give me clarity in your time.
When I have lost my direction, let me know the path you wish me to take.
When I feel guilty for what I did or failed to do, let your grace of forgiveness fill my spirit.
When I feel shame, let me not judge myself harshly.
When I have regrets, let me learn from my past and move on.
When I feel some relief, help me feel grateful and not guilty.
When I am lonely, help me to reach out and share my feelings with others.
When I feel isolated and lost, find me.
When procrastination paralyzes me, help me to do the next right thing one minute, one hour, and one day at a time.
When I feel stuck in any way, do for me what I cannot do for myself.
When I am angry, grant me the grace to face the fear beneath my anger.
When I have allowed self-pity to fill me, help me to find reasons to be grateful for what I still have in my life.
When I am stuck in painful memories of the past, give me the graces I need to forgive and be forgiven.
When I am in agony, hear my cry to you for help.
When I am faced with the reality that my deceased loved one will never come back in this life, let me experience their presence in a new way.
When I resist change, give me the willingness to make life-giving choices.
When I am jealous, give me to grace to accept my own grief journey.
When I am depressed, lead me to life-giving action.
When I am tempted to despair, give me some reason to have hope.
When I feel an emptiness in my soul, fill me with your abiding Presence.
When sadness consumes me, help me to be grateful for my good memories.
When I have lost my future, help me to trust that you will give me a future full of hope, if I come to you with all my heart.
When my grief makes me feel very tired, help me to be gentle with myself.
When “grief triggers” cause unexpected “grief bursts,” let me be patient with myself and do what I need to do.
When I am tempted to believe grief is the problem, help me let it become my teacher and part of the solution in learning how to move on in my life.
When I have lost my identity, may I find a new identity with your help.
When I have lost meaning in my life, give me the grace to go on.
When I don’t know how to pray, let your Spirit pray in and for me.
When I am emotionally overwhelmed, teach me to breathe in your Love.
When I want to hold my loved one, God please hold us both in your heart.
When I forget that in death life is changed not ended, remind me that your Spirit will help me continue to develop an enduring bond with my loved one.
When I want to talk to my loved one, let me say what I need to say and trust that I will be heard.
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