Recently I’ve dipped my toes in the waters of social media, having followed several Twitter feeds for the past couple of weeks. My original aim was to track the progress…
Read moreSister Kathleen Desautels, a native of Indianapolis, didn’t set out to be a leader or administrator of organized, peaceful protests. But, when four Catholic Church workers were raped and murdered…
Read moreSome view Memorial Day as the beginning of summer, though officially it doesn’t begin until later in June. This holiday was designated as such by Gen. John A. Logan on…
Read moreHave you ever thought of Archives as being a ministry? Perhaps not, but according to Sister Marianne Mader, Archives researcher, it is. “[Archives] is a way of connecting with other…
Read moreThe Sisters of Providence have been offering Providence Pavers at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods for about two years. These bricks can be engraved and are placed at either the fountain on the…
Read moreI’ve been digging around Archives looking for Civil War material for a long time. One day, Sister Marie Grace Molloy, a wonderful volunteer, asked me if I had ever seen…
Read morePeople around the world honor mothers. Designating a special day for mothers, as we do in the United States, brings into the consciousness of our nation the wonderful women who…
Read moreMy young friend, Patrick Donovan, made his First Communion last weekend. Not only did I receive an invitation to attend this special occasion but I also was part of the…
Read moreThe Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods are blessed to have a foundress who loved to record her thoughts and prayers. The following is a handful of Saint Mother Theodore…
Read moreApril is National Poetry Month, so it seems appropriate to think about favorite poets. I can’t say I have a single favorite poet, but one of my favorites is Mary…
Read moreOne day while gathering some information for a blog on the death of Sister St. Francis Xavier Le Fer, I ran across some intriguing information about an artifact belonging to…
Read moreWhoever said our Provident God works in mysterious ways certainly was a wise observer. What made Andrew Domini channel surf during a television commercial only to find on CNN the…
Read moreWelcome to our blog. Here, we will share with you stories of our lives as Sisters of Providence. We invite Providence Associates to write in this space also. We hope you find these posts enjoyable and inspirational.