Sister Jane reminded me that being kind in the present matters deeply. Whatever our thoughts, whatever our memories, whatever our plans, it is only in the now that we can demonstrate our love for each other.
Read moreSister Joann entered the community at the age of 17. Her parents planted the seed that grew. A justice warrior. Fearless. Called by God. Her lifetime accomplishments bless and enrich us every day.
Read moreWe thank you, Jubilarians, for showing us the way through the witness of your lives
Read more‘Advent, journey down through the centuries of people seeking for God to become flesh in their lives.’
Read more‘The mystery was still there hiding in shadows and dark corners, but the room was filled with sparkling luminescence’
Read moreOur work of transformation and conversion is challenging but so necessary!
Read moreWhy are this year’s group of Providence Associate candidates seeking out something more with the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods and the Providence Community?
Here is what some of the 23 new candidates who started their process with the Providence Community shared at orientation this November.
Enjoy these photos of our Nov. 11 orientation for Providence Associate candidates as they begin their year-long journey of growing closer to God and the Sisters of Providence Community.
Read moreWelcome to our blog. Here, we will share with you stories of our lives as Sisters of Providence. We invite Providence Associates to write in this space also. We hope you find these posts enjoyable and inspirational.