Become a sister
Welcome! We invite you to explore life as a Sister of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana.
Founded by a strong woman (saint!), our sisters have been breaking boundaries and creating hope for more than 175 years. Grounded in faith, we walk with those on the edges of society, serving in many diverse ways. We support each other through a loving, tight-knit community. Our motherhouse is in Indiana, but we serve throughout much of the United States and in Taiwan.
Are you a single, Catholic woman between the ages of 18 and 42?
Explore a joy-filled life as a Sister of Providence!
Are you being called?
Might God be calling you to become a religious sister? (We promise, the idea isn’t as crazy an idea as it may seem.)
Let’s get to know each other better! You’ll find lots of opportunities here.
Becoming a sister
Ever wondered what the process of formation, or becoming a Sister of Providence is like? You’ll find answers here!
Meet some newer members
Get to know a bit about our newest sisters. Do you fit with us as well?

Come and See Retreat – Spring 2025
What is it like to be a Catholic Sister today? Come and See! Explore if you might be called to life as a Sister of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. Free weekend retreat March 28-30, 2025!
7/7 Women’s Monthly Prayer Group: Shame
We can learn to lean in faith on God’s providence and can find help and comfort in one another
7/7 Women’s Monthly Prayer Group: Joy
We can learn to lean in faith on God’s providence and can find help and comfort in one another
“Beloved, You who companion me on the journey, May every step I take be made sacred by your guiding presence...”
– From "Prayer for Guidance," written by new member Sister Tracey Horan
‘It is the rich life I have had in so many ways here and branching out and able to see and enjoy and believe, and hopefully bring people to a new place in their own lives.”
Read MoreOther opportunities
Feel attracted to the Providence community but uncertain about committing? We have several ways to "test the waters" and get to know us.
Be an eco-justice intern
Spend a set period of time working as an intern at White Violet Center for Eco-Justice, one of our ministries.