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We can all use a little help with prayer sometimes. The Sisters of Providence and Providence Associates hope to help inspire you! Whether it's the perfect Saint Mother Theodore Guerin quote or a prayer written by a Sister of Providence, let the right words bring Providence into your life. Browse the prayers below or if you're looking for something specific, use the “Topics” search in the search area.
163 results
Type: Prayers

Easter Prayer
Note: This prayer uses the text of the Exsultet, the solemn Easter Proclamation sung at the Easter Vigil service. The current text dates back to the fifth century. O Provident…
Daily Prayer
The following prayer is by Sister Rosemary Nudd. Although it was originally intended to be given to middle school students who visit Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, the words are inspiring for all. God whose name is…

Place yourself gently
Provident God, grant me the confidence in your love and care that Saint Mother Theodore had, so I too ‘may not give way to uneasiness about the future’ but ‘place myself gently into the hands of Providence,’ as I embrace present and future as evolving mystery. …

Novena to Our Lady of Providence
Our Lady of Providence, Queen
of the Home, pray for strong and happy marriages,
safe pregnancies, peace within families, for those
divorced or separated and for all children,

Teacher’s School Prayer
The following is a prayer from a teacher’s perspective written by Sister Ann Casper. O God,is that piercing sound really the alarm clock?And is this really the first day of…

Child’s prayer heading into school
The following is a prayer from a child’s perspective. Dear God, I’m a little sad tonight. I just looked at the calendar and it told me it is August. Do…

River of Grace
Let us gather up the tears of all times, all nations,
all peoples, all children to form a river of grace
to moisten, saturate, drench the hardness of hearts of stone
turning them into hearts of flesh, into the heart of the God of Providence.…

Prayer for the Faces of our Grief
When my faith is shaken, please God, remind me of your love for me.
When I am lonely, help me to reach out and share my feelings with others.
When I am stuck in memories of the past, give me the graces I need to forgive and be forgiven.…

A Tree in Winter
In the wintertime of my soulbarren branches stand starkclothed in heaviness of icebestowed by winter night storm. But then comes morninglavishing warm, bright sunon my hard-stiff selfrevealing resplendent prismsglistening grace-fullnessuntold…

Advent/Christmas Prayer
O Come, O Come, long-awaited Saviorand ever-present Emmanuel!We rejoice in your living among us and within us.At the same time we ask that you … Cure our blindness so that…

Advent Poem
ADVENT journey down through the centuriesof people seeking Godto become flesh in their lives journey of people in high placesjourney of the lowly and the simplejourney of Mary and Josephjourney…

A caregiver’s prayer
God of Love, as a caregiver, I need the grace to be loving even when I do not love all that I am asked to do. It is extremely difficult to watch the one I love slowly lose their ability to care for self and to witness their pain of illness. More is demanded of my time and sometimes there just doesn’t seem to be enough of that in the day to tend to all that needs to be done
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