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54 results

Topic: nature


“The trees raise their straight trunks to the height of more than one hundred twenty feet high and are crowned with tops of admirable beauty.”

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“It would seem that God wished to give us a symbol of the Christian's day of rest by the calm of nature.”

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“The cold freezes us to the bones. My nose and fingers are frozen. We ought to be accustomed to it, as for almost four months the ground has been icy and more or less deeply covered with snow.”

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“... In France it snows and freezes, but the cold is nothing compared to that of our forests... During these terrible periods of cold, showers sometimes fall of a singular sort like liquid peas in torrents.”

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“One can see little, but what one sees is beautiful.”

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“...the eye is lost in the ravishing spectacle [nature], so calculated to elevate the soul towards the author of all things.”

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“Were you not at Vincennes, Sister Theodore would not know whether we had daughters there or not. It seems something has made the atmosphere so cold that the ink is frozen.”

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River of Grace

Let us gather up the tears of all times, all nations,
all peoples, all children to form a river of grace
to moisten, saturate, drench the hardness of hearts of stone
turning them into hearts of flesh, into the heart of the God of Providence.…

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Water Poem

With great delight I will ripple and flow

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God of Surprises

Did you know that God has a playful side? If not why would God have created vast galaxies — miniscule cells, prickly bushes — lamb’s ear plants …

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Dandelion Prayer

UnwelcomedSave by children,Dandelion,I declare youPatron flowerOf prophets. Who wouldBelieve such powerLies withinThe beautyOf your softGeometric fluffPosed to takeA rideOn the windAnd land inUninvited places?

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Prayer for healing

Jesus, let me just touch your garmentas did the womanof ancient times. O Divine Healer,please stay right here,if you will,while I hurry backwith all of creation.

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Quote of the day

July 26
Feast of Saints Anne and Joachim
“If ever this poor little Community becomes settled, it will be established on the cross; and that is what gives me confidence and makes me hope, sometimes even against hope.”
– Saint Mother Theodore Guerin