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Topic: happiness
“To write requires time; but to love, to cherish, to pray for, through that desire we have for the happiness of our friends, time is not needed.”
“...give a little pleasure to your poor Mother Theodore, who loves you so much, and who would like to see you perfect, but who is very far from being perfect herself.”
“Never speak when you are over - excited, but wait for the impulse of nature to pass away and that of grace to succeed it.”
“...Often, too, we saw the moon arising from the other extremity of the sky. It has its particular kind of beauty, and sometimes the aurora borealis added to the magnificent spectacle.”
“...I felt happy to belong to [God], and said to myself, "What will our God be for us in our heavenly home, since even in our exile [God] is so great, so powerful, so magnificent!"”
“...I often enjoyed this pleasure, always new to me. I must say that it arouses a delightful feeling toward the Author of these marvels.”
“Be careful not to give way to your temper, which makes you unsupportable. You would be a thousand times happier in resisting it.”
“Be joyful, amiable toward each other. Have nothing on your conscience to trouble you.”
“Come to Saint Mary's...to give me the consolation of seeing you all, fervent and united, which is the greatest happiness that I can have in this world.”
“...nothing can rob you of your joy when you will be reunited to those in heaven from whom you were obliged to be separated on Earth.”
“Oh, if you could understand the feelings of a mother's heart for a child which is not hers by nature but by grace - the feelings of the heart, I say for the temporal but more especially for the eternal happiness of her child - you would understand what I feel for you.”
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