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We can all use a little help with prayer sometimes. The Sisters of Providence hope to help inspire you! Whether it's the perfect Saint Mother Theodore Guerin quote or a prayer written by a Sister of Providence, let the right words bring Providence into your life. Browse the prayers below or if you're looking for something specific, use the “Topics” search in the search area.

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46 results

Topic: confidence


Guide me, O God

Show me clearly the path Providence
is unfolding for me today.
Grant me the courage to walk it,
fearlessly as you want me to.

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Woman at the Well

I don’t even want to recount
what has happened
in my life this year.
I just want to be with the One
who already knows.
who knows me through and through
better than I know myself.

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A walk with God

Be my guide.
Help me to be aware
Of all that lies before, behind and around me.

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A Prayer for Teachers during this pandemic

Give us an abundance of patience as we learn to juggle our teaching, sanitizing, distancing and masking, while trying to be attentive to the needs of our students.

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A Prayer for Students

Embrace these students and teachers with your love.

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“Just trust God. God will provide. Even tomorrow what will happen we don’t know. Believe there is God. God doesn’t always give happy feelings. But in the end we are looking to eternal life. Cooperate and trust and believe. Trust the community and trust God and trust yourself and go day by day and it will take you to the end. You are thinking too much. We don’t know what the future will be.”

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path through trees


Prayer for guidance

At times when the way ahead,
or even the next step,
seems unclear,
assure me that You know what is to come;
that You envision
a plan to prosper me and not to harm me,
to give me a future full of hope.

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“What a wonderful knowing of one’s self! What a wonderful acceptance of one’s self. What bravery to follow the call to be who one is – in truth and freedom.”

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“Humble yourself - that is very good - but do not yield to discouragement.”

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“Oh! The Daughters of Providence must fear nothing as to their future. They must confide themselves entirely to their good Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary.”

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“To love in the right way is to accomplish the whole Law; it is to begin that happy life which will have its perfection only in heaven, where we shall live forever with a holy and perfect love.”

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“I have debts at Paris and I do not know how to pay them. However, I am not too much discouraged. I see in all this the will of God, and I submit to it.”

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Quote of the day

July 26
Feast of Saints Anne and Joachim
“If ever this poor little Community becomes settled, it will be established on the cross; and that is what gives me confidence and makes me hope, sometimes even against hope.”
– Saint Mother Theodore Guerin