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Sisters of Providence

Content written by Sisters of Providence


Sister Marijo Lynch

“The years pass and soon the Harvest is at hand, a time to reap the fruit of one’s life.” (excerpts from Psalm 90 from “Psalms for Praying”) “The time to reap the fruit of her life came sooner than expected for Sister Marijo. Those of us who knew her are sure that she was ready…



Sister Rose Ann Eaton

Sister Rose Ann Eaton chuckles when she says her life has not followed the path she had in mind. From an early age, she had an idea that she might want to become a woman religious. But her mother suggested that she wait, get her education, and then see if the idea was still with…



Sister Dorothy Karier

“How happy are the poor in spirit; theirs is the kingdom of heaven.” (Matthew 5:3) “This was Sister Dorothy Karier’s favorite Scripture reading. In 1984, when she was ministering in Southwest Texas, Sister Dorothy wrote, ‘In the worn faces of the poor are carved the words of the Beatitudes.’ And she wrote, ‘Before we can…



Sister Joseph Miriam Sheehan

“The command that I give you is this, that you love one another.” (John 15:17) “All Sister Joseph Miriam’s life was lived out in love for God and her neighbor, and she shared that love wherever she went. She is remembered as a woman of compassion, deeply involved in the lives of teachers and students…



Sister Mary (Mary Agatha) Carlton

“ … Jesus went about doing good and healing all that were oppressed, for God was with him.” (Acts 10:38) “How much like Jesus’ life was that of Sister Mary Carlton! She who was a very private person probably would be distressed to hear herself compared to her Lord. But, like him, she lived a…



Sister Julia (Marie Loretta) Shea

“Be still before the Lord; wait for God.” (Psalm 37:7) “In speaking of Sister Julia’s death, more than one person has commented, ‘She waited so long to die’ or ‘She has waited so long for the Lord.’ When we come to think of it, we realize that all of us spend much of our life…



Sister Bernice Kuper

Editor’s note: Sister Bernice died Nov. 26, 2013, at age 91. Sister Bernice Kuper has been a first-hand witness to many dramatic changes that have impacted vocation, formation and spiritual life for herself, scores of individuals and the Catholic Church. Most of Sister Bernice’s ministerial life has been devoted to assisting others who have questions…



A God-graced moment

This article is reprinted from winter 2007 issue of HOPE. By Sister Peggy Lynch The following journal entry reflects my emotions and thoughts about the Mass of Canonization. The dark morning gives way to blue sky and sunshine as we wend our way through narrow streets — the ones the tour guide continually tells us…



A view from behind the camera

This article is reprinted from winter 2007 issue of HOPE. Interview by Sister Jeanne Knoerle For most of us Sisters of Providence, the canonization of Mother Theodore was an all consuming moment, filled with a myriad of feelings: joy, disbelief, wonder, a sense of humility — as well as a sense of pride. For those…



Sister Dorothy (Marie Christopher) Souligny

“Go, therefore, make disciples of all the nations. …” (Matthew 28:19) “In January of 1977, Sister Loretta Schafer (RIP), then general superior, wrote: ‘Because we have come to a deep sense of the global Church, we wish to participate, through our work and prayer in Taiwan, in this total mission of spreading the Kingdom everywhere….



Sister Claretta Burbine

“Trust steadily in God, hope unswervingly, love extravagantly. And the best of the three is love.” (1 Corinthians 13:13, adapted) “St. Paul laid out a plan for the Corinthians that, I believe, Sister Claretta naturally followed throughout her life,” began Sister Ruth Johnson in her commentary for Sister Claretta Burbine, who died Dec. 4. Born…



Sister Margaret Ellen O’Connor

“Even the wilderness will rejoice in those days.” (Isaiah 35:1) “During this season of Advent, many Scripture readings will be similar to this reading from Isaiah (35:1-6). Images of a saving God … accounts of tired hands and weak knees strengthened … of the lame leaping … of flowers blossoming in the dry land ……


The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, are a congregation of Roman Catholic women religious (sisters) who minister throughout the United States and Taiwan. Saint Mother Theodore Guerin founded the Sisters of Providence in 1840. The congregation has a mission of being God's Providence in the world by committing to performing works of love, mercy and justice in service among God's people.