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Content written by Sisters of Providence
Sister Luke Crawford
Sister Luke Crawford died Friday, April 25, at Union Hospital, Terre Haute.
Prayer support: Help bearing the weight
With the words “Your son has leukemia,” the weight becomes noticeable. Fear, uncertainty, anxiety, pain and loss all rolled into one heavy weight that starts to bear hug your heart and mind. Prayers from others take on a new importance. The love from God and its true definition can be felt at a more granular level when you know of others who pray for you. God’s church resides in the prayers of its members, where ever they may be, however they may gather.
Sister Marie Agatha Vonderheide
Certainly, Sister Marie Agatha Vonderheide is someone who has exemplified to all of us the graciousness and kindness of God, said Sister Rosemary Schmalz in her commentary on Sister Marie Agatha, who died March 15, 2014, at the age of 92.
Sister Regina Gallo shares a bit about her SP journey thus far
Sister Regina Gallo talks about becoming a Sister of Providence, living out the mission of the Congregation through her ministry and what gives her hope for the future.
Sister Denise Wilkinson encourages us during Lent
Sister Denise Wilkinson, general superior of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, encourages us to think positively about the Lenten season that we enter into this week. Don’t let cold weather deter you from beginning to think about Jesus’ journey from death into life, as we welcome spring and Easter.
Sister Ann Francis Hammersley
“Simplicity, happiness and obliging others without being judgmental radiated from her manner,” said Sister Joan Matthews in her commentary for Sister Ann Francis Hammersley who died Jan. 29, 2014 at the age of 87.
There are always opportunities to serve
On this MLK Day, we remind you of the many volunteer opportunities with the Sisters of Providence.
A historical snapshot of the SP human rights efforts
The Sisters of Providence join with others in celebrating Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. The Congregation has a long legacy of supporting human rights and other social justice issues.
Winter solstice ritual
Tomorrow is the first day of winter, the longest night of the year.
The following is adapted from “Prayers for a Planetary Pilgrim,” by Edward Hays.
Materials needed: solstice candle; a fire pit, if possible, if you will be outside or a fireplace indoors; smaller candles for everyone; flash light for the leader.
(Begin by sitting in darkness for a short time)
Leader: Let us take into our hands a solstice candle
or Let us light the sacred solstice fire.
We pray on the night of ancient fear, when those who have gone before us were fearful of what lurked outside the ring of fire of light and warmth. They feared all that prowled in the darkness: evil, disease, death, beasts that might destroy them and the hidden dangers of winter.
Light candle or fire
Sister Marilyn Baker
Sister Marilyn Baker shares about her life and call as a Sister of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods in these short video segments.
Providence Associates seem to share the same major desire
Candidate-Associates took the commitment to become Providence Associates for one year, following their year of discernment and companioning by either a Sister of Providence or Providence Associate. Hear about several of their journeys.
Sister Mary Margaret Quinn (formerly Sister Charles Agnes)
“It’s as if this was always where she was meant to be; this place and these people were the love of her life. Her personality melded with their culture—their music and their spirituality became her own.” Sister Mary Margaret Quinn spent 36 years serving the African-American community at Holy Angels Church in Indianapolis. She died Nov. 29, 2013. She was 78 years old and a Sister of Providence for 60 years.
The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, are a congregation of Roman Catholic women religious (sisters) who minister throughout the United States and Taiwan. Saint Mother Theodore Guerin founded the Sisters of Providence in 1840. The congregation has a mission of being God's Providence in the world by committing to performing works of love, mercy and justice in service among God's people.