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Content written by Sisters of Providence
Congregation releases calls for action, days of prayer in anticipation of Inauguration Day
All are invited in a day of fast and prayer on January 20, 2021, the United States Inauguration Day of President-Elect Joe Biden
Newsnotes: Sisters of Providence news update winter 2021
News and updates from the Sisters of Providence, including 20 new Providence Associates!
Congregation releases joint statement on January 6, 2021, violence
Let us renew our commitment to stand together to risk speaking and acting for the common good of all and work tirelessly to contribute to the change we wish to see
Leadership Team shares statement from LCWR: Repair Our Democracy
Note: The following is a statement from the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR), a statement we support and stand by.
Sister Nancy Nolan (formerly Sister Jean Paula)
“Nancy Nolan, you will always be precious in our sight, and honored. Thank you. We love you.”
Advent celebration banners 2020
Generally the term advent denotes the introduction of something important. In Christian Religions the Season of Advent refers to the four weeks of preparation before Christmas. It marks the beginning of the liturgical year. This season is rich in symbolism and tradition. The passage of time is marked by Advent Wreaths with four candles and…
Sister Regis McNulty
Regis, thanks from all of us for all those treasured memories! … We know you will enjoy the banquet God has prepared for you!
Sister Betty Donoghue (formerly Sister Clare Patrice)
So rest in power and in peace, dear Betty. We know that your spirit moves and continues to love among us.
Sister Mary Lee Mettler (formerly Sister Irma)
‘She always had a project going in her room, cabinets, drawers and tables speckled with colorful crafting materials, and pieces waiting to be sewn.’
Sister Josephine Paolinelli (formerly Sister Louise Joseph)
May you have ultimate peace, love, wholeness and happiness
Sister Margaret Nau (formerly Sister Jude Ann)
We are ever grateful for you and rejoice that you have now indeed found rest for your ever-seeking soul
Leadership Team shares statement on United States exit from Paris Climate Agreement
Note: The following statement was crafted by several national faith organizations. The Leadership Council of Women Religious (LCWR), of which the Congregation is a member, also joined in sharing their dismay as the United States formally exited from the Paris Climate Agreement. As religious organizations representing a diversity of faith traditions we profoundly regret that…
The Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods, Indiana, are a congregation of Roman Catholic women religious (sisters) who minister throughout the United States and Taiwan. Saint Mother Theodore Guerin founded the Sisters of Providence in 1840. The congregation has a mission of being God's Providence in the world by committing to performing works of love, mercy and justice in service among God's people.