Site author

Sister Mary Moloney

Content written by Sister Mary


Dawn at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods

These winter days dark greets my waking, sometimes stars and moon. Flinger of stars, your power astounds. I feel so small. How like the little birds flying about, full of motion; neighbor’s birdfeeder, down to the ground, up to branches, scattered by a larger bird. I am as fragile and frantic. Gradually light comes and…



Are you different after you pray?

Sister Mary Maloney asks, “Are you different after you pray?” in her practical reflection on a part of Sunday’s Gospel.


Sister Mary Moloney, a sister of Providence since 1960, grew up in Chicago. Sister Mary taught math and science and also was campus minister at Indiana University. She recently moved to the motherhouse in Saint Mary-of-the-Woods after thirty years of ministry in Oklahoma.