Site author

Sister Mary Beth Klingel

Content written by Sister Mary Beth


Quiet expectation

The season of Advent began yesterday. A period of time leading up to Christmas and parallel to the Lenten season preceding Easter, Advent is a time of hopeful waiting as we look forward to celebrating the in-breaking of God on Earth in the person of Jesus the Christ. Unlike Lent, it is not penitential in…




This week is Halloween. Every store has been jamb-packed with get-ups of various kinds, to accommodate every desire. TV ads have appeared from time-to-time inviting us to haunting events in the area. From a Christian perspective, Halloween signals the Feasts of All Saints and All Souls, Nov. 1 and 2. I enjoy going to the…



Sisters of Providence Serving Our Country

Some view Memorial Day as the beginning of summer, though officially it doesn’t begin until later in June. This holiday was designated as such by Gen. John A. Logan on May 5, 1868. It was known for a short while as Decoration Day because of the practice of decorating the graves of fallen soldiers with…



A Valiant Woman

People around the world honor mothers. Designating a special day for mothers, as we do in the United States, brings into the consciousness of our nation the wonderful women who bear the name Mother. Of course, our mind goes immediately to our own mother, the woman who gave us birth and nurtured us along the…



Pausing for prayer

The General Officers, the leadership team for the Sisters of Providence, met last week. Each day a different council member prepared and led the prayer. The day we reflected on the gift of Earth and everyone and everything that shares life on this planet I spoke of an appreciation instilled in me in my youth…


Sister Mary Beth is currently ministering as the Guest Services Coordinator in Woodhaven, a Retreat and Guest House. In addition to many liturgical involvements, she also is a volunteer visitor in Providence Health Care. Previously she served for 10 years on the SP leadership team
general officer on the leadership team of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. She has previously served as an elementary school teacher, pastoral minister and director of novices.