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Jason Moon

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Content written by Jason
Sister Margaret Kelly (formerly Sister Bernard Maureen)
‘We all know stories about Margaret, and she knew us. Indeed, to talk to Margaret about something was like writing it in a book’
A safe home community for those who lost everything
“I wanted to work with God’s working poor, who lost all of their belongings during the hurricane. They were living in broken down trailers with two or three families in each,” Sister Cathy Buster said. The end result was the new community in Arcadia, Florida. Casa San Juan Bosco I is a 53-home complex for migrant farmworkers.
Sister Caroline Hatch
To say she was an excellent and creative first grade teacher probably does not do her justice
Remembering Sister Marie Brendan Harvey
Many will also remember Sister Marie Brendan’s voice
Sisters to host public ‘Gathering in Solidarity’ event
Gathering to begin at 10 a.m.
In memory of …
‘She loved life, she loved teaching, she loved the Sisters of Providence, and she loved nature. But perhaps most of all, she loved to fish with her good friend, Sister Mary Pat Peacock.’
Sister Marie Brendan Harvey
“Gifted with an unusually beautiful singing voice, Mary Therese’s professional career was quickly determined and she was given over to the ministrations of the finest music teachers in the order …”
Remembering Sisters Marilyn Therese Lipps and Concetta Banez
‘She seized challenges and new opportunities with a tenacity that sometimes inspired others and at other times, exasperated them’
Remembering Sisters Mary Loyola Bender and Ann Kevin O’Connor
This week’s Throwback Thursday blog will take a look at the lives and ministries of Sister Mary Loyola Bender and Sister Ann Kevin O’Connor
Thirty Sisters of Providence celebrate Senior Jubilees
Celebration took place Thursday, Dec. 8, 2016
Remembering Sisters Amata Dugan and Michael Ellen Green
Sister Amata Dugan and Sister Michael Ellen Green
Jason Moon serves as media relations manager for the Sisters of Providence. Previously, he spent more than 16 years in the newspaper industry.