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Jason Moon

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Content written by Jason
Sister Kathryn Koressel (formerly Sister Alfreda Marie)
‘She showed the generosity of those who reach out to the poor and suffering.’
The lives and ministries of Sisters Maurice and Marie Veronica Norton
‘She dearly loved ‘her children,’ and they loved her.’
Providence Associates celebrate 10 years
‘They said, ‘We want what you have. That want was spirituality.’
Twenty-two make commitment as Providence Associates
‘This has changed my view of God from a thunderbolt thrower to a God who is always caring for me’
Sister Anita Bechert
She was the kind of person who stuck to the letter of the law, yet, she had a great sense of humor and a dazzling smile
Looking at the life and ministry of Sister Miriam Patrice Donoghue
‘She was an excellent teacher, strict but sprinkling discipline with a dollop of wry humor.’
A look into the life and ministry of Sister Conrad Monrad
‘She was always calm, peaceful, looking at us straight in the eye, with her beautiful smile.’
Honoring Foundation Day
SMWC students to take part in Foundation Day of Service on Tuesday, Oct. 24
Throwback Thursday: A look into the life and ministry of Sister Patricia Clare Beggs
‘The call came, there was a response and a life chosen to live the truth of the Gospel Way began.’
Sister Mary Terence Haag
‘Her love for the poor was legendary. She fought for them, prayed for them, cried for them …’
Historical Recognition
‘I think this designation truly honors the legacy of all who have gone before us’
Jason Moon serves as media relations manager for the Sisters of Providence. Previously, he spent more than 16 years in the newspaper industry.