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Sister Denise Wilkinson
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Content written by Sister Denise
Journals and Letters week 17: Mother Theodore’s own words
Yet, no matter how frightening the weather or terrifying an incident, Mother Theodore could and did pray.
Allowing for God’s presence: Sisters of Providence hospital chaplains
“Being open to the Spirit in this ministry is a must, along with a deep prayer life, so that we may stay aligned and be able to exhibit an open presence to the other.”
You can help bring a happy ending to restore St. Joseph’s Lake
The lake water disappeared. In February 2018, days and days of heavy rain caused several large trees to be torn loose from the earthen berm. When the trees fell, a section of the berm collapsed, allowing the lake water to “escape.”
Journals and Letters week 13: Relationships
The eight pages we read from the Mother Theodore’s ‘Journals and Letters” create quite the patchwork quilt of relationships — some intriguing, some annoying, some tender, some puzzling, some of the true blue kind.
Journals and Letters week 9: The Journey’s end
Mother Theodore entered a culture entirely unknown to her; so perhaps the mission succeeded and endures because of her willingness to act, observe, learn and adapt.
Thanksgiving prayer
I am thankful for the freedom of our nation and worried about the deep divisions between and among us.
Journals and Letters week 5: The measure of the woman
Did the woman carry a yard stick? A surveyor’s measure? A folded up paper chart that converts leagues to miles, meters to inches or feet?
Reflecting on the United States through the writing of Saint Mother Theodore
What words draw you into prayer?
Side by side: our time of need is now
No matter the challenge, you help us solve it. No matter the project, you respond with love and generosity.
Musings on wearing and making masks
Let’s take our place then in a long history of mask wearers and mask makers. Let our masks keep ourselves and our neighbors safe and well.
Sisters of Providence respond to compelling need for health care
The willingness of the Providence Health Care staff to forgo the efficiency of a set schedule in favor of a more spontaneous model of care speaks volumes for their commitment to recognizing and respecting the dignity and individuality of persons in their care.
Day by day with Saint Mother Theodore Guerin
I feel inclined to talk with Saint Mother Theodore about what’s worrying me, or making me happy or driving me crazy. “Another means for preserving the peace is to let little things pass without noticing them,” she said.
Sister Denise was the general superior of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods from 2006-2016. She previously served as a high school teacher, college administrator, postulant/novice director and director of advancement and communications for the Congregation. Currently, Sister Denise serves the Congregation in various volunteer positions.
Sister profile
To learn more about Sister Denise, view her sister profile page.